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Tip 671 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2004 · complexity intermediate · version 7.0

You may need to insert a line break (newline) before or after each occurrence of a search pattern. That is useful if the newlines are needed, or as a temporary change to help understand some text. This tip shows how to insert newlines before or after specified strings, both manually and using a script to define a command so, for example, :%LineBreakAt <p> </p> would add a newline after <p> and </p> tags in an HTML file.

Using search and replace

Suppose you want to insert a line break before each parenthesis and comma ('(', ',', ')') in a line. To do that, enter these commands:


The first command searches for any occurrence of each of the three characters. You can refine this search (that is, search again after correcting any problems with the search pattern). When the search correctly highlights the wanted hits, enter the second command to insert a newline before each hit in the current line. In the substitute command, the find pattern is empty, so the last search is used; in the replacement, \r inserts a newline and & inserts the search hit (see search and replace).

Use :%s//\r&/g if you want to replace all occurrences in all lines.

A more elaborate way

Another way to break a long line such as someMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3); and to auto-ident.

We can achieve that using :s/\((\zs\|, *\zs\|)\)/\r&/g|:'[,']normal ==.

The '[,'] range specifies the previously affected range. In normal mode == is to auto-indent code (it usually works well but might not be optimal with python).

The first part is mostly the same as in the previous example, but we separate the regex in 3 using alternation \| and use the atomic \zs to specify we don't want to break on ( but on the next character. Similarly, we don't want to break on a comma but on the next non-space character.

After executing this, the line

someMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3);

then becomes:


Finally here's a way to map this rather combersome line to the sequence of key 'gob' in normal mode:

nnoremap gob  :s/\((\zs\\|,\ *\zs\\|)\)/\r&/g<CR><Bar>:'[,']normal ==<CR>

Using a script

The following script defines a user command to automate the insertion of line breaks. Save the script in a file called linebreakat.vim.

" Insert a newline after each specified string (or before if use '!').
" If no arguments, use previous search.
command! -bang -nargs=* -range LineBreakAt <line1>,<line2>call LineBreakAt('<bang>', <f-args>)
function! LineBreakAt(bang, ...) range
  let save_search = @/
  if empty(a:bang)
    let before = ''
    let after = '\ze.'
    let repl = '&\r'
    let before = '.\zs'
    let after = ''
    let repl = '\r&'
  let pat_list = map(deepcopy(a:000), "escape(v:val, '/\\.*$^~[')")
  let find = empty(pat_list) ? @/ : join(pat_list, '\|')
  let find = before . '\%(' . find . '\)' . after
  " Example: 10,20s/\%(arg1\|arg2\|arg3\)\ze./&\r/ge
  execute a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 's/'. find . '/' . repl . '/ge'
  let @/ = save_search

In Vim, enter the command :so linebreakat.vim to source the script. If you want the script sourced automatically whenever Vim starts, place the file in directory ~/.vim/plugin (Unix) or $HOME/vimfiles/plugin (Windows). On Windows, enter the following command to see the name of the required directory (which you may need to create):

:echo expand('$HOME/vimfiles/plugin')
Usage examples
:LineBreakAt ( ) Insert newline after each '(' and ')' in current line.
:10,20LineBreakAt ( ) Same, in lines 10 to 20 inclusive.
:%LineBreakAt ( ) Same, whole buffer.
:LineBreakAt! ( ) Insert newline before each '(' and ')' in current line.
:%LineBreakAt Insert newline after each occurrence of last-used search pattern.
:%LineBreakAt! Insert newline before each occurrence of last-used search pattern.

You do not need to type the entire command; depending on your system, you may find that typing :L is sufficient (press the Tab key to expand L to see other commands that start with that text :help 'wildchar').

The arguments to LineBreakAt are the strings that you want to find; they are not search patterns. For example, :%LineBreakAt! * will insert a newline before each asterisk in the whole buffer (the command escapes the * by preceding it with a backslash, so the asterisk has no special meaning).

If you want to include a space in the text, type a backslash before the space. For example, :%LineBreakAt! The\ rain will insert a newline before each occurrence of "The rain" in the whole buffer.

After searching for a pattern (for example \<t\w*e\> to find all words starting with 't' and ending with 'e'), using :%LineBreakAt! (with no arguments) will insert a newline before each of the search hits, and using :%LineBreakAt will insert a newline after each of the search hits.


The :command line defines a user command (LineBreakAt) that calls a function with the same name. The first argument to the function (bang) will be '!' if an exclamation mark was typed after the command, and will be an empty string otherwise. The arguments typed after the command (one or more strings separated by whitespace) are passed as the ... in the function. :help <f-args>

The function converts the ... arguments (accessed as the list a:000) by escaping the characters that have a special meaning when searching, for example, / is replaced with \/ because the substitute command uses slash as a delimiter. The list of arguments is copied with deepcopy() (because arguments to a Vim function cannot be changed), then map() processes each argument (v:val) with the escape() function; the result is copied into pat_list (a list of the individual escaped search patterns).

A search pattern is then formed in the find variable. If bang is empty and there are three arguments, arg1 arg2 arg3, the pattern will be \%(arg1\|arg2\|arg3\)\ze.. Each argument is separated with \| (or), and the result is grouped (\%(...\)) so that what follows applies to the whole group, rather than to arg3. The . at the end requires that a character that is not a newline follows the pattern (so another newline will not be inserted). The \ze marks the end of the search hit, so the newline will be inserted before the character that follows the pattern.

If bang is empty, the replacement text (repl) is &\r (the search hit then newline), or is \r& (a newline then the search hit), otherwise.

The :execute command performs a substitute (:s///ge) on the given range of lines (by default, the current line; otherwise, as specified). The g flag (global) replaces all occurrences on each specified line, and the e flag prevents an error message being displayed if no matches are found.


