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Tip 139 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created October 16, 2001 · complexity basic · author Charles E. Campbell, Jr. · version 5.7

Check out and see some examples of text alignment. The alignment is done with the Align.vim and AlignMaps.vim plugins; you can get them from either script 294 or from Amongst many other things, this pair of plugins lets you:

1. align C language statements on their = += -= /= etc symbols

2. align C language declararations: separate columns for types, *[, variable names, initializations (=), and comments (// or /* .. */)

3. align C/C++ language comments (//, /* .. */)

4. align C/C++ language (ansi) function argument lists

5. align LaTeX tables on their && separators

6. align HTML tables with </TD><TD> separators

7. align on several characters: < ? : | @ ; (or modify them to handle whatever alignment characters you want)

The align plugin also supports:

  • cyclic left, right, and centering justification
  • cyclic or equivalent multiple regular-expression separators
  • improved initial white space control
  • specifiable separator padding
  • visual range specified alignment, including via visual-block
  • a <Align.txt> help file is now available


Check on script#177 -- that's Gergely Kontra's MyJustify.vim. I also found Peppe's script at Align.vim isn't a textwidth justification script, as no doubt you've noticed.

I don't think you should include cecutil.vim with plugins, since cecutil is available separately. It could lead to someone installing a newer cecutil, and overwriting it with whatever version is in the latest Align package.

For # style comments (TCL, perl, shell) , the following maps "\a#" to align them based on the rightmost "#". It also removes extraneous whitespace after the "#".

map <silent> <Leader>a# \WS:'a,.s/#\([ \t]*\)\(.*\)$/###@@# \2/e<CR>'zk<Leader>tldW@:'y,'zs/^\(\s*\) @@/\1/e<CR>:'y,'zs/ @@ //eg<CR>:'y,'zs/###//eg<CR>\WE
vmap <silent> <Leader>a# :<BS><BS><BS><CR>ma'><Leader>a#

It uses special character sequences "@@" and "###" so if these occur naturally in your code, globally replace them with something less common.

I really don't like breaking out Excel for every little table that I make. So I wanted a simple way to make column aligned text. Align was it.

I did not want visible delimiters in my little tables, so I made a small addition to the AlignMaps.vim file that I have found quite useful. I added a new macro that treats two or more spaces as a delimiter for column definition. So I can just highlight text like this:

_who_  _what_  _where_
Fred  ate  kitchen
Joe  read a boring detective novel  bathroom

then I highlight and invoke macro (bound to a key of course) and get:

_who_  _what_                         _where_
Fred   ate                            kitchen
Joe    read a boring detective novel  bathroom

The two or more spaces idea means that you can use spaces in column text.

Anyway, the modified macro really just a hack to the existing Align 'tsp' macro:

map <silent> <Leader>tss \WS:'a,.s/^\(\s*\)\(.*\)/\=submatch(1).substitute(submatch(2),'\s\s\+','@','g')/<CR>:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l @<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:'y+1,'z-1s/@/ /g<CR>\WE

May be that there is a more elegant way to get the same result, but I'm pretty happy with the way this one works... I use it all the time.

I agree that there are advantages in keeping cecutil separate from Align (and other plugins, too). Unfortunately, that means that a large number of potential users would get immediately frustrated. I've been including cecutil with the plugins because of feedback.

If the Align/AlignMaps plugins don't work for you, or you're otherwise having problems, I suggest sending a message about it to me! Often its a matter of some settings the user has/doesn't have set that I don't/do have set. Its helpful to include a copy of your .vimrc so I can figure out what settings are involved. Please also tell me what o/s you're using, and whether you're using Vim or gvim. I generally can't fix it if I can't replicate the problem.

About \WS and \WE -- I've made :call AlignWrapperStart() and :call AlignWrapperEnd() globally available. Calls to these functions can be made from outside the AlignMaps.vim script (v33). For the \tss map:

map <silent> <Leader>tss :call AlignWrapperStart()<cr>
 \:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l @<cr>
 \:silent 'y+1,'z-1s/@/ /g<cr>
 \:call AlignWrapperEnd()<cr>

When Align gives me the following:

define('GRAY'    , "#A0A0A0");
define('DGRAY'   , "#808080");
define('LGRAY'   , "#C0C0C0");

Sometimes I would rather have:

define('GRAY',     "#A0A0A0");
define('DGRAY',    "#808080");
define('LGRAY',    "#C0C0C0");

(Note the space *after* the separator.)

Right now I select the text and do:

:'<,'>g/./norm Elr,f,r

I thought maybe this AlignCtrl setting would give me the behavior I'm looking for, but no luck.

:cal AlignCtrl('<')

Is there an an AlignCtrl command for what I want?

Look at: :help alignmaps -- the AlignMaps includes a bunch of maps which do various jobs which depend upon Align.

The <Leader>t= mapping doesn't work right in some cases: I got following error message (or similar):

Error on execution of "function <SNR>8_Equals":
Line 15:
E121: Undefined variable: norm
E15: unvalid expression: norm "'zk<Leader>t@"

This message is obviously correct. It occurs when the filetype is "c" or "cpp". Changing the offending line to

exe "norm 'zk<Leader>t@"

doesn't help (other error).

My version of align ist 39 (Mar 06, 2008).

What to do?


