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Tip 139 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2001 · complexity basic · author Charles E. Campbell, Jr. · version 6.0

Check out DrChip's Alignment Tool to see some examples of text alignment. The alignment is done with the Align.vim and AlignMaps.vim plugins; you can get them from either script 294 or from here. Among many other things, this pair of plugins lets you:

  • align C language statements on their = += -= /= etc symbols
  • align C language declararations: separate columns for types, *[, variable names, initializations (=), and comments (// or /* .. */)
  • align C/C++ language comments (//, /* .. */)
  • align C/C++ language (ansi) function argument lists
  • align LaTeX tables on their && separators
  • align HTML tables with separators
  • align on several characters: < ? : | @ ; (or modify them to handle whatever alignment characters you want)

The align plugin also supports:

  • cyclic left, right, and centering justification
  • cyclic or equivalent multiple regular-expression separators
  • improved initial white space control
  • specifiable separator padding
  • visual range specified alignment, including via visual-block
  • an Align.txt help file is available


Check on script#177 -- that's Gergely Kontra's MyJustify.vim. I also found Peppe's script at Align.vim isn't a textwidth justification script, as no doubt you've noticed.

I don't think you should include cecutil.vim with plugins, since cecutil is available separately. It could lead to someone installing a newer cecutil, and overwriting it with whatever version is in the latest Align package.

For # style comments (TCL, perl, shell) , the following maps "\a#" to align them based on the rightmost "#". It also removes extraneous whitespace after the "#".

map <silent> <Leader>a# \WS:'a,.s/#\([ \t]*\)\(.*\)$/###@@# \2/e<CR>'zk<Leader>tldW@:'y,'zs/^\(\s*\) @@/\1/e<CR>:'y,'zs/ @@ //eg<CR>:'y,'zs/###//eg<CR>\WE
vmap <silent> <Leader>a# :<BS><BS><BS><CR>ma'><Leader>a#

It uses special character sequences "@@" and "###" so if these occur naturally in your code, globally replace them with something less common.

I really don't like breaking out Excel for every little table that I make. So I wanted a simple way to make column aligned text. Align was it.

I did not want visible delimiters in my little tables, so I made a small addition to the AlignMaps.vim file that I have found quite useful. I added a new macro that treats two or more spaces as a delimiter for column definition. So I can just highlight text like this:

_who_  _what_  _where_
Fred  ate  kitchen
Joe  read a boring detective novel  bathroom

then I highlight and invoke macro (bound to a key of course) and get:

_who_  _what_                         _where_
Fred   ate                            kitchen
Joe    read a boring detective novel  bathroom

The two or more spaces idea means that you can use spaces in column text.

Anyway, the modified macro really just a hack to the existing Align 'tsp' macro:

map <silent> <Leader>tss \WS:'a,.s/^\(\s*\)\(.*\)/\=submatch(1).substitute(submatch(2),'\s\s\+','@','g')/<CR>:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l @<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:'y+1,'z-1s/@/ /g<CR>\WE

May be that there is a more elegant way to get the same result, but I'm pretty happy with the way this one works... I use it all the time.

I agree that there are advantages in keeping cecutil separate from Align (and other plugins, too). Unfortunately, that means that a large number of potential users would get immediately frustrated. I've been including cecutil with the plugins because of feedback.

If the Align/AlignMaps plugins don't work for you, or you're otherwise having problems, I suggest sending a message about it to me! Often its a matter of some settings the user has/doesn't have set that I don't/do have set. Its helpful to include a copy of your .vimrc so I can figure out what settings are involved. Please also tell me what o/s you're using, and whether you're using Vim or gvim. I generally can't fix it if I can't replicate the problem.

About \WS and \WE -- I've made :call AlignWrapperStart() and :call AlignWrapperEnd() globally available. Calls to these functions can be made from outside the AlignMaps.vim script (v33). For the \tss map:

map <silent> <Leader>tss :call AlignWrapperStart()<CR>
 \:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l @<CR>
 \:silent 'y+1,'z-1s/@/ /g<CR>
 \:call AlignWrapperEnd()<CR>

When Align gives me the following:

define('GRAY'    , "#A0A0A0");
define('DGRAY'   , "#808080");
define('LGRAY'   , "#C0C0C0");

Sometimes I would rather have:

define('GRAY',     "#A0A0A0");
define('DGRAY',    "#808080");
define('LGRAY',    "#C0C0C0");

(Note the space *after* the separator.)

Right now I select the text and do:

:'<,'>g/./norm Elr,f,r

I thought maybe this AlignCtrl setting would give me the behavior I'm looking for, but no luck.

:cal AlignCtrl('<')

Is there an an AlignCtrl command for what I want?

Look at: :help alignmaps -- the AlignMaps includes a bunch of maps which do various jobs which depend upon Align.

The <Leader>t= mapping doesn't work right in some cases: I got following error message (or similar):

Error on execution of "function <SNR>8_Equals":
Line 15:
E121: Undefined variable: norm
E15: unvalid expression: norm "'zk<Leader>t@"

This message is obviously correct. It occurs when the filetype is "c" or "cpp". Changing the offending line to

exe "norm 'zk<Leader>t@"

doesn't help (other error).

My version of align ist 39 (Mar 06, 2008).

What to do?



\tsq, an unadvertised part of the alignment package will do alignment using spaces but ignore spaces between quotes. This is very useful for languages like TCL where you sometimes have groups of quoted text strings that you'd like to align

{ "opt1" "a few words of description" "string" }
{ "opt2" " some different words"      "string  }