created November 22, 2006 · complexity intermediate · author Clayton · version 5.7
I needed a way to automate creating the backup/tmp directories. It is especially annoying when I am in a new environment and I have to manually create the directories. I also prefer to use _vim rather then .vim on a Windows system so it checks for that.
function! InitBackupDir() if has('win32') || has('win32unix') "windows/cygwin let l:separator = '_' else let l:separator = '.' endif let l:parent = $HOME . '/' . l:separator . 'vim/' let l:backup = l:parent . 'backup/' let l:tmp = l:parent . 'tmp/' if exists('*mkdir') if !isdirectory(l:parent) call mkdir(l:parent) endif if !isdirectory(l:backup) call mkdir(l:backup) endif if !isdirectory(l:tmp) call mkdir(l:tmp) endif endif let l:missing_dir = 0 if isdirectory(l:tmp) execute 'set backupdir=' . escape(l:backup, ' ') . '/,.' else let l:missing_dir = 1 endif if isdirectory(l:backup) execute 'set directory=' . escape(l:tmp, ' ') . '/,.' else let l:missing_dir = 1 endif if l:missing_dir echo 'Warning: Unable to create backup directories:' l:backup 'and' l:tmp echo 'Try: mkdir -p' l:backup echo 'and: mkdir -p' l:tmp set backupdir=. set directory=. endif endfunction call InitBackupDir()
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Of course using just one backup/swapfile directory will mean that the following command won't work any more:
vimdiff old/foe.txt new/foe.txt
especialy if you need to merge/change both ways.
That's why in script#1537 I use local directories. But the "set directory=" might be a worthy addition to my script.
Actually, that command does work and it won't clobber the file, in :help 'directory'
- For Unix and Win32, if a directory ends in two path separators, the swap file name will be built from the complete path to the file with all path separators substituted to percent '%' signs. This will ensure file name uniqueness in the preserve directory.
Example swap files in ~/.vim/tmp:
%home%user%tmp2%test1.txt.swp %home%user%tmp%test1.txt.swp
Maybe you can clarify if I am misunderstanding what you're saying. In a test I did, even without having the extra slash it will have two different swap files called test.txt.swp and test.txt.swo.