Vim Tips Wiki

One of my largest annoyances with Vim is the great Quickfix, in particular the auto-jump. The reasons for this do not matter, but I wanted to disable it really bad. It took me several months to figure out how to do it, and the end-result still feels like a hack.

The code for this

Put the following in your .vimrc

autocmd QuickFixCmpPost * call setqflist([])

What this does is quite inhumane: it deletes the quickfix-list. I am still looking for a way to disable the `jump' without deleting the list.

Use case

Obviously, quickfix is a sacred thing, and should never be disabled. To figure out why I would still want to, read the following.

I use Vim to edit TeX-files, and want to know about boxing errors (underfull, overfull) so that I can fix those. In very few cases, however, I can not fix it, because I am quoting an exercise from a book for my homework. But, everytime I type ':make', it jumps to the boxing error, and I lost where I am.
