Tip 1213 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created 2006 · complexity advanced · author Heptite · version 5.7
This script allows you to indent HTML sections in PHP files. Create file ~/.vim/indent/php.vim
on Windows systems) containing the following:
" Better indent support for PHP by making it possible to indent HTML sections " as well. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif " This script pulls in the default indent/php.vim with the :runtime command " which could re-run this script recursively unless we catch that: if exists('s:doing_indent_inits') finish endif let s:doing_indent_inits = 1 runtime! indent/html.vim unlet b:did_indent runtime! indent/php.vim unlet s:doing_indent_inits function! GetPhpHtmlIndent(lnum) if exists('*HtmlIndent') let html_ind = HtmlIndent() else let html_ind = HtmlIndentGet(a:lnum) endif let php_ind = GetPhpIndent() " priority one for php indent script if php_ind > -1 return php_ind endif if html_ind > -1 if getline(a:lnum) =~ "^<?" && (0< searchpair('<?', '', '?>', 'nWb') \ || 0 < searchpair('<?', '', '?>', 'nW')) return -1 endif return html_ind endif return -1 endfunction setlocal indentexpr=GetPhpHtmlIndent(v:lnum) setlocal indentkeys+=<>>
I personally think it's more straightforward to just :set ft=html while you're editing HTML blocks.
This plugin works for entering new text, but not for using = on a selection, right? Any chance there's a way to fix that as well in the same thing?
I've wrapped this up as a plugin for those who want a cleaner way to use this approach: https://github.com/captbaritone/better-indent-support-for-php-with-html