created February 16, 2008 · complexity basic · author Metacosm · version 7.0
In gvim, you can change the font using the Edit menu, Select Font. An alternative is to enter the command:
:set guifont=*
Once you have a font you like, you want to make it the default in the future. Do
:set guifont?
and Vim will display something like
Alternatively, enter the following to insert the current font setting into the buffer:
:put =&guifont
Now put a line in your vimrc to set guifont to this value, like this:
if has('gui_running') set guifont=Console:h11 endif
If there is a space in the font name, such as
guifont=Monospace 10
it is necessary to escape the space
set guifont=Monospace\ 10
The following example shows how vimrc can include settings for more than one operating system, on the assumption that the vimrc file is the same on more than one system. The example also shows how 'guioptions'
, a color scheme, and the window size can be set.
if has('gui_running') set guioptions-=T " no toolbar colorscheme elflord set lines=60 columns=108 linespace=0 if has('gui_win32') set guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI else set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 10 endif endif
Console Vim[]
Console Vim uses whatever font the console/terminal is using. Changing the font in your terminal is done differently depending on your system and the terminal in use. Consult the documentation or manpages for your terminal, or do a web search for how to change the font in your chosen terminal. Vim cannot use a different font than the rest of the terminal.
See also[]
- Setting the font in the GUI details