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(HTML cat)
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Vimmbo Sat Sep 8 21:57:25 CDT 2007
Call a function for tidy
Add to vimrc
command Td :call Tidy()
function Tidy()
let filename=expand("%:p") " escapes for bash
let filename=substitute(filename, " ", "\\\\ ", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, "(", "\\\\(", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, ")", "\\\\)", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, "[", "\\\\[", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, "]", "\\\\]", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, "&", "\\\\&", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, "!", "\\\\!", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, ",", "\\\\,", "g")
let filename=substitute(filename, "'", "?", "g")
let filename2=substitute(filename, ".*", "&.tidy.htm", "")
let filename3=substitute(filename, ".*", "&.errors.tidy.txt", "")
execute "!tidy "."-f ".filename3." ".filename." > ".filename2.""

Revision as of 02:59, 9 September 2007

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Tip: #18 - Cleanup your HTML

Created: February 25, 2001 19:59 Complexity: advanced Author: Version: 5.7 Karma: 50/29 Imported from: Tip#18

From Johannes Zellner on the vim list:

You can use vim's makeprg and equalprg to clean up HTML. First download html tidy from Then use the following commands.


exe 'setlocal equalprg=tidy -quiet -f '.&errorfile 
setlocal makeprg=tidy -quiet -e % 


exe 'set equalprg=tidy -quiet -f '.&errorfile 
set makeprg=tidy -quiet -e % 

At this point you can use make to clean up the full file or you can use = to clean up sections.



There is also Jtidy (Java implementation of tidy): , May 2, 2001 23:05

Vim 6.0 comes with a Tidy compiler plugin for use in quickfix mode - $VIMRUNTIME/compiler/tidy.vim , January 11, 2002 5:01

Any hints or tips on how to use the tidy.vim plugin? , April 23, 2002 19:11

The current version of C Tidy is now at ; , July 4, 2002 12:02

Make that , July 4, 2002 12:03

To use the included compiler script, run `:compiler tidy`. For more info, see :h quickfix and :h compiler-select.

If you are using tidy.vim under WinNT (not sure about 9x), you need to set your shellpipe=2> or else Vim won't see the output from tidy. Apparently these Unix tools write output to stderr instead of stdout and Vim isn't configured by default to handle this situation. , August 15, 2002 6:25

just start with vim using 6.2 (mandrake 10 .rpm) need add backslaces like in the tidy.vim file don't know but for me works just with the command:

:setlocal makeprg=tidy\ -quiet\ -m\ -utf8\ % 

and then:

:make , April 29, 2004 21:07

vim 6.3 intends html very well when I put the line

filetype plugin indent on 

into my personal ~/.vimrc (or ~\_vimrc) file. I also think that html-tidy is not able to indent only parts of a HTML file. Therefore, I do not use it as equalprg.

I use html-tidy only in order to check if my HTML document is well formed. Therefore, I create a ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim (or ~\vimfiles\after\ftplugin\html.vim or an html.vim placed in the directory that appears last when typing :set runtimepath?) and put into it (among other things) the lines:

setlocal makeprg=tidy\ -quiet\ -errors\ % 
setlocal errorformat=line\ %l\ column\ %v\ -\ %m 

I have found that the errorformat option must be adapted as shown in order to be able jump through the error list by means of :cn and :cp etc. , March 27, 2005 5:00

Tidy can be used for just a portion of the document by using the --show-body-only flag. For instance, on using vim6 on OSX the above command could be rewritten as:

:exe 'setlocal equalprg=tidy\ -quiet\ -i\ --show-body-only\ true\ -f\ '.&errorfile 

the -i indents, that is optional

The rest of the tidy options can be found here:

Anonymous , March 21, 2006 11:19

Vimmbo Sat Sep 8 21:57:25 CDT 2007

Call a function for tidy Add to vimrc

command Td :call Tidy() function Tidy() let filename=expand("%:p") " escapes for bash let filename=substitute(filename, " ", "\\\\ ", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, "(", "\\\\(", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, ")", "\\\\)", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, "[", "\\\\[", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, "]", "\\\\]", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, "&", "\\\\&", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, "!", "\\\\!", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, ",", "\\\\,", "g") let filename=substitute(filename, "'", "?", "g") let filename2=substitute(filename, ".*", "&.tidy.htm", "") let filename3=substitute(filename, ".*", "&.errors.tidy.txt", "") execute "!tidy "."-f ".filename3." ".filename." > ".filename2."" endfunction