Proposed tip Please edit this page to improve it, or add your comments below (do not use the discussion page).
Knowledge Management is a way to archive experiences for later reference. Knowledge Bases are such archives in electronical format -- containing plain text in most cases. This is where Vim comes in handy: i manage my Knowledge Base in a collection of plain text files; with the Vim command "gf" i can jump easily between the files (each keyword can have it's own file). The search for words or phrases is simply done from commandline or via vimgrep.
Everything i write is in lowercase, so i cannot spell words differently. Like VIM, Vim, ViM or vim.
For topics that easily fill multiple files, i create directories with the name of the topic. Files/keywords in such a large topic are referenced via topic/file. Works nicely -- thanks to Vim!
Please see Vim Tips Wiki:New tips/201207 where this proposed tip will be discussed, as it is likely to be removed as it does not provide useful advice on how to use Vim. JohnBeckett 06:30, July 9, 2012 (UTC)