Tip 968 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created 2005 · complexity intermediate · author Marian Csontos · version 7.0
You can use code completion with CTRL-X CTRL-U. See :help 'completefunc'.
With this small script, you can complete keywords using some kind wildcards. By default '\k\zs' reg-exp is used as wildcard. Useful if you are using identifiers with mixed case, so aCN
expands to anyCrazyName
or anotherCodeName
, but not AnotherCodeName
neither BadCodeName
" settings: " g:mkw_any - default regular expression used as wildcard " - possible settings: " - '' " every nothing around character in pattern is used as wildcard, so for " KEY is '\<\k*K\k*E\k*Y\k*\>' used for matching keywords " - '\k\zs' " every nothing around characters but the first is used as wildcard, so " for KEY is '\<K\k*E\k*Y\k*\>' used for matching keywords " - or any other reg.expression (e.g. '\.\.', '', '_', '\', '::', '`') " be careful it doesn't mix with language constructs used in your " sources (as '\.' in C is used for structure members) " if zero-length match is used: " - prepend \k\@<= if the first char in pattern must be the first in match " - postpend \k\@= if the last char in pattern must be the last in match " b:mkw_any - regular expression to be used for current buffer as wildcard " " other: " g:mkw_devel - if exists script is reloaded every time it is sourced if v:version < 700 echohl ERROR "Smart completion will work only in vim version 7+" finish endif if !exists("g:mkw_any") let g:mkw_any = '\k\zs' endif if exists("g:mkw_devel") || !exists("g:mkw_loaded") " find start of keyword-match (return) and create regexp for finding " matching keyword (s:re) " a:line - string to search in, search starts at end of string " a:anyre - reg.exp looked for to be replaced by '\k\*' fun! MKwFindStart(line,anyre) " this can not be used because a:anyre could be 0-length: "return match(a:line,'\%(\k*'.a:anyre.'\)*\k*$') let line = a:line " trims trailing keyword-characters let answ = match(line,'\k*$') if answ < 0 let answ = strlen(line) else let line = strpart(line,0,answ) endif " trim trailing occurrences of keyword-characters followed by anyre while answ > 0 let answ = match(line,'\k*'.a:anyre.'$') if answ < 0 || answ == strlen(line) | break | endif let line = strpart(line,0,answ) endwhile " set answ and s:re: let answ = strlen(line) let line = strpart(a:line,answ) let s:re = '\<'.substitute(line,a:anyre,'\\k*',"g").'\>' "echo line ">>>" s:re return answ endfun fun! MKwCompleteId(findstart, base) if a:findstart " locate start column of word if !exists("b:mkw_any") let mkw_any = g:mkw_any else let mkw_any = b:mkw_any endif return MKwFindStart(strpart(getline("."),0,(col('.') - 1)),mkw_any) else " remember cursor position let line = line('.') let col = col('.') " create word list (it serves as reg.exp too, to exclude words found " already) let res = "" while search('\%(\<\%('.res.'\)\>\)\@!'.s:re,'w') > 0 let tmp = expand("<cword>") let res .= (res == "" ? "" : '\|').expand("<cword>") endwhile " restore cursor position call cursor(line,col) "echo s:re ":" res return split(res,'\\|') endif endfun let g:mkw_loaded = 1 endif setlocal completefunc=MKwCompleteId