Tip 155 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created November 7, 2001 · complexity intermediate · author Lawrence Kesteloot · version 6.0
Here's a plugin to automatically decompile Java .class files as they're read in. Tweak the javap flags for what you want to see. I didn't post this as a script because it's too simple and it's really more useful for demonstrating how to read decompilable files (or other binary files that can be converted to text).
function s:ReadClass(dir, classname) execute "cd " . a:dir execute "0read !javap -c " . a:classname 1 setlocal readonly setlocal nomodified endfunction autocmd BufReadCmd *.class \ call <SID>ReadClass(expand("<afile>:p:h"), expand("<afile>:t:r"))
It doesn't work when package is used in java code.
Foo.java package com.foo.test; class Foo { }
The question is how to save package information?
For jad:
au BufReadCmd *.class setl readonly nomodified | %!jad -p <afile>