Tip 526 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created 2003 · complexity intermediate · author Adrian von Bidder · version 6.0
I suggest you first look at the script itself: script#73
Since the script has some problems (at least for me) when I paste text in X11 with the mouse, and since I need to switch to paste more anyway, I now use this in my vimrc:
" the word_complete.vim plugin just *rocks* autocmd VimEnter * call DoWordComplete() fun! SetComplete() call DoWordComplete() set nopaste nunmap <F12> iunmap <F12> nmap <F12> :call UnsetComplete()<CR> imap <F12> <Esc>:call UnsetComplete()<CR>a echo endfun fun! UnsetComplete() call EndWordComplete() set paste nunmap <F12> iunmap <F12> nmap <F12> :call SetComplete()<CR> imap <F12> <Esc>:call SetComplete()<CR>a echo endfun nmap <F12> :call UnsetComplete()<CR> imap <F12> <Esc>:call UnsetComplete()<CR>a
In insert mode, F12 switches to paste mode, but not back again. In normal mode, it works.