created 2003 · complexity intermediate · author Steve Halpin · version 6.0
Inspired by VimTip608.
To execute Python from a range within the current text file and write the output to that file (replacing the Python), add the snippet below to vimrc (or other suitable *rc file).
Requires a 'proper' Python setup so that the imported modules can be found.
I find it a handy intermediate step between using the Python interpreter on command line and running a complete script. Can be used for easy buffer manipulation, filtering input, preprocessing text and templating-like tasks.
python << EOL import vim, StringIO,sys def PyExecReplace(line1,line2): r = vim.current.buffer.range(int(line1),int(line2)) redirected = StringIO.StringIO() sys.stdout = redirected exec('\n'.join(r) + '\n') sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ output = redirected.getvalue().split('\n') r[:] = output[:-1] # the -1 is to remove the final blank line redirected.close() EOL command -range Pyer python PyExecReplace(<f-line1>,<f-line2>)
Some examples of use[]
print 2 + 2
With the cursor on the 'print' line, that line is replaced with 4.
for line in vim.current.buffer: if line[0] != '\t': print line
Filters out lines beginning with a tab in the current buffer.
Inserting time[]
import time print time.ctime()
Replaces line with date/time.
Getting web content without tags[]
import urllib2,htmllib,formatter h = htmllib.HTMLParser(formatter.AbstractFormatter(formatter.DumbWriter())) h.feed(urllib2.urlopen('').read())
Inserts the web page text, but not the html tags, for a given site.
I use the following:
"in vimrc: "python extensions py from vim import buffers, windows, command, current, error py import vim, sys py from vimpy import * command! PyExecBuffer py exec('\n'.join(current.buffer)) map <F5> :PyExecBuffer<CR> imap <F5> <Esc><F5><CR>a
import sys, vim class Buffer: def __init__(self,buf): self.buf=buf def write(self,s): ll=s.split('\n') self.buf[-1]+=ll[0] for l in ll[1:]: self.buf.append(l) def clear(self): del self.buf[:] def redirect(buf=None): buf = buf or vim.current.window.buffer try: sys._stdout except: sys._stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = Buffer(buf)
Then I start Vim, create new window (<C-W> N), and do
:py redirect(current.window.buffer)
on a window I want to receive all printed data.
Then <F5> in any buffer executes the buffer contents in Python, output goes to the window selected.
To redirect output back just do sys.stdout = sys._stdout
Simpler version[]
This does not require python support in vim. Select lines using V and then press F5.
:vnoremap <f5> :!python<CR>
This one saves the current file before execution and does come back without PAUSE (tested in windows)
noremap <F5> <ESC>:w<CR>:silent execute "!python %"<CR><CR>
Run Python samples from Vim[]
---- " >>> Play Python from within gVim " >>> useful to copy/paste samples and run inside Vim " >>> [usage] Normal_<C-P> against a Python block " >>> Visual_<C-P> on Visual Python block " >>> Insert_<C-P>, automatically add print() " ================================ if has('python') || has('python3') " ================================ nn<silent>z_ :let @/=@_<CR> nn<silent>Zz :let pyf=tempname()<CR> \:sil!let python=has('python3')?'py3file ':'pyfile '<CR> \:sil!let yank = substitute(@0,'[>.]\{3}\s\=','','g')<CR> \:sil!call writefile(split(yank,'\n'),pyf)<CR> \:sil!redir @"<Bar>sil!exe 'silent!'.python.pyf<CR>:redir END<CR>p nm<silent> <C-P> yip}Zz xm<silent> <C-P> :y<CR>Zz im<silent> <C-P> <Esc>:s/\([>.]\{3}\s\=\)\=\(.*\)/\1print(\2)<CR>z_<C-P> " -------------------------------------------- endif # example insert mode, as calculator, <C-P> 1/2 # example <C-P> anywhere inside block help(help) # example <C-P> anywhere inside block >>> # Fibonacci series: ... # the sum of two elements defines the next ... a, b = 0, 1 >>> while b < 10: ... print(b) ... a, b = b, a+b ... 1 1 2 3 5 8