created 2004 · complexity basic · author Chao-Kuo Lin · version 6.0
Even thought I can press "c
" to switch directory if I want to execute a command in the directory that I am viewing with the explorer.vim plugin, but sometimes I don't want to actually change to that directory to execute it because I want to remain in whatever directory I am in such as a root directory of source files. So I opened up explorer.vim to see if I can add it directly to the plugin, but I found out that it can call a variable g:explFileHandler
that stores the user defined function whenever the key 'x
' is pressed on a file or directory. So I used that to implement executing a command in the viewing directory in my vimrc as follows:
function! MyFileHandler(filename) let oldpath = getcwd() let currentdirectory = "" if(isdirectory(a:filename)) let currentdirectory = strpart(a:filename, 0, strlen(a:filename) - 1) else let currentdirectory = a:filename endif let lastslash = strridx(currentdirectory, "/") let currentdirectory = strpart(currentdirectory, 0, lastslash) let usercommand = input(currentdirectory . "# ") if(strlen(usercommand) > 0) execute "cd " . currentdirectory execute "!" . usercommand execute "cd " . oldpath endif endfunction " let g:explFileHandler = "MyFileHandler"
It will prompt the user with the directory mimicking a shell prompt where the user can enter the command.