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Tip 400 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created January 13, 2003 · complexity basic · author John Sumsion · version 6.0
" allow Alt-[movement keys] to scroll window if !has("gui_running") nmap ^[l <A-l> nmap ^[h <A-h> nmap ^[k <A-k> nmap ^[j <A-j> vmap ^[l <A-l> vmap ^[h <A-h> vmap ^[k <A-k> vmap ^[j <A-j> imap ^[l <A-l> imap ^[h <A-h> imap ^[k <A-k> imap ^[j <A-j> endif " To have <A-h> available for the mappings below, search menu.vim for the " first instance of &Help and change it to Hel&p so that <Alt-H> " isn't used for the GUI Help menu nmap <A-l> 4zl nmap <A-h> 4zh nmap <A-k> <C-y> nmap <A-j> <C-e> vmap <A-l> 4zl vmap <A-h> 4zh vmap <A-k> <C-y> vmap <A-j> <C-e> imap <A-l> <C-o>4zl imap <A-h> <C-o>4zh imap <A-k> <C-x><C-y> imap <A-j> <C-x><C-e>