created 2004 · complexity basic · author Jonas Lööf · version 6.0
The quickfix window is often used to process the results of using make
to build a program, or using vimgrep
(or grep
) to search files. When the quickfix list is long, it can be helpful to fold related lines together to help show an overview.
This tip concerns folding lines in the quickfix window. See here for how to fold the current buffer based on the content of the quickfix list.
Folding output from make[]
When using make
on a large software project with multiple directories, the quickfix window can be quite long. Use the following in your vimrc to automatically fold on each subdirectory, and open folds containing errors (the string "error:"). Additionally, zw
opens also the folds containing the string "warning:", while zq
switches back to the original.
" Folding of (gnu)make output. au BufReadPost quickfix setlocal foldmethod=marker au BufReadPost quickfix setlocal foldmarker=Entering\ directory,Leaving\ directory au BufReadPost quickfix map <buffer> <silent> zq zM:g/error:/normal zv<CR> au BufReadPost quickfix map <buffer> <silent> zw zq:g/warning:/normal zv<CR> au BufReadPost quickfix normal zq
Folding output from vimgrep[]
You may search files with a command like :vimgrep /pattern/ *.c
, then open the quickfix window with :cwindow
. The following script will fold all the search hits for one file into a single line.
Put the following in file ~/.vim/ftplugin/qf_fold.vim
(Unix) or $HOME/vimfiles/ftplugin/qf_fold.vim
setlocal foldlevel=0 setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=matchstr(getline(v:lnum),'^[^\|]\\+')==#matchstr(getline(v:lnum+1),'^[^\|]\\+')?1:'<1'
The fold expression compares the file name of the current line with that on the next line. If they are the same, the lines are part of a fold (level 1). If the next line is for a different file, the current line is the end of a fold.
In the setlocal command, the string '^[^\|]\\+'
is used. That command processes the backslashes with the result that the pattern used by matchstr()
is '^[^|]\+'
(that is, the file path/name consisting of one or more characters that are not '|
', at the start of the line).
Folding by directory instead of filename[]
If folding by file still creates too many results, you may prefer to fold by directory name instead. Replace the foldexpr above with this one:
setlocal foldexpr=matchstr(substitute(getline(v:lnum),'\|.*','',''),'^.*/')==#matchstr(substitute(getline(v:lnum+1),'\|.*','',''),'^.*/')?1:'<1'
In this expression, first everything after the first '|
' is discarded with the calls to substitute()
, and then everything up to the last '/
' is compared using matchstr()
. (This creates only one level of folding, not a tree.)
You may also like to customise the way that folded lines are displayed:
setlocal foldtext=matchstr(substitute(getline(v:foldstart),'\|.*','',''),'^.*/').'\ ['.(v:foldend-v:foldstart+1).'\ lines]'
Avoid folding when there are few results[]
As several commands that populate the quickfix list are only concerned about a single file, or may yield only a few results, you can optionally add the following enhancement:
if foldclosedend(1) == line('$') || line("$") < 25 " When all matches come from a single file, do not close that single fold; " the user probably is interested in the contents. Likewise if few results. setlocal foldlevel=1 else setlocal foldlevel=0 endif
This will initially open all the folds if there is only one fold, or if there are fewer than 25 lines in the quickfix window.
See also[]
- Folding with Regular Expression fold misses from a search
- Find in files within Vim using vimgrep to search files
The "Folding output from vimgrep" section was inspired by messages from David Fishburn and Gary Johnson on vim_use, and was implemented here by JohnBeckett. Directory folding was added by JoeyTwiddle.
Add folding not based on file/directory?[]
I'm using the following, based on the 'vimgrep' portion for grep searches, and folding away based on whether the line is a hit for an error or warning otherwise (with context):
In ~/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/qf.vim:
" set up folding of quickfix list based on command
setlocal foldlevel=0
setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=QfFoldByType(v:lnum)
" for some reason w:quickfix_title is not set until after the filetype plugin
" runs, so decide which folding to use in the function itself instead
function! QfFoldByType(lnum)
if exists('w:quickfix_title') && w:quickfix_title =~? 'grep'
return QfFoldFiles(a:lnum)
return QfFoldWarningsAndErrors(a:lnum)
function! QfFoldFiles(lnum)
return matchstr(getline(a:lnum),'^[^|]\+')==#matchstr(getline(a:lnum+1),'^[^|]\+')?1:'<1'
function! QfFoldWarningsAndErrors(lnum)
if v:version >= 700
let contextlines=getline(a:lnum-2, a:lnum+2)
" Vim before 7.0 had no List data type and getline() only gets a single line
" but luckily the match() function can give a result for either arrays or
" strings, with -1 meaning 'no match' in either case.
let contextlines=""
let aline = a:lnum-2
while aline <= a:lnum+2 && aline <= line('$')
if aline >= 1
let contextlines=contextlines."\n".getline(aline)
let aline = aline + 1
let thisline=getline(a:lnum)
if thisline =~? '\%(^\|\n\)\f\+|[^|]*\%(warning\|error\)[^|]*|'
return 0
elseif match(contextlines, '\%(^\|\n\)\f\+|[^|]*\%(warning\|error\)[^|]*|') >= 0
return 1
return 2
In ~/.vimrc:
" force refresh of foldexpr for quickfix in case it depends on
" w:quickfix_title which for unknown reasons is not set until after the
" filetype plugin loads
au BufWinEnter * if &buftype==#'quickfix' | let &foldexpr=&foldexpr | endif
augroup END
This is very useful for me but doesn't really fit in the current tip, because (1) it doesn't include the existing 'make output' portion, and (2) includes folding not based on file or directory names. Should this go into a new tip or can we generalize this one and include it here?
--Fritzophrenic 16:10, February 10, 2012 (UTC)
Also fold up the || overflow lines in quickfix window[]
I loved folding by file or folder in the quickfix, but got very annoyed by the ||
lines which appear when very long lines overflow. To gather these into the fold that precedes them, I replaced the calls to getline()
with a custom function g:GetLastNonWrappedQFLine()
. First I defined it as follows:
function! g:GetLastNonWrappedQFLine(startline)
let curline = a:startline
while curline >= 1
let line = getline(curline)
if line[0:2] != '|| '
return line
let curline -= 1
return ''
Then it can be employed to fold by file:
setlocal foldexpr=matchstr(g:GetLastNonWrappedQFLine(v:lnum),'^[^\|]\\+')==#matchstr(g:GetLastNonWrappedQFLine(v:lnum+1),'^[^\|]\\+')?1:'<1'
or to fold by folder:
setlocal foldexpr=matchstr(substitute(g:GetLastNonWrappedQFLine(v:lnum),'\|.*','',''),'^.*/')==#matchstr(substitute(g:GetLastNonWrappedQFLine(v:lnum+1),'\|.*','',''),'^.*/')?1:'<1'
--JoeyTwiddle (talk) 13:44, August 24, 2013 (UTC)