Tip 1545 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created 2008 · complexity basic · author Umu · version 7.0
Given a huge file listing as text file, you can use this script to comfortably browse it. Use all fold commands of Vim to open/close parts of the directory tree, as used from standard file managers ( but even more flexible, including moving in fold structure, executing commands on folds ... )
The more, on Unix-like systems you can pipe the output of tools like find
, locate
, tar -t
, ... directly into Vim executing this script by using -
as filename.
vim -u browser.vim arch-hurd-i386.files find . | vim -u browser.vim - locate nox | vim -u browser.vim - tar -tzf boost.tar.gz | vim -u browser.vim -
set mouse=a set foldminlines=1 foldcolumn=2 fillchars="+" foldlevel=0 set foldmethod=expr set foldexpr=FileBrowserFoldExpr() set foldtext=FileBrowserFoldText() function FileBrowserFoldExpr() let line=getline(v:lnum) let n=strlen(substitute(line,'[^/]*','','g')) if (line=~'^.*/$') return '>'.n elseif (strpart(getline(v:lnum+1),0,strlen(line)+1)==line.'/') return '>'.(n+1) endif return n endfunction function FileBrowserFoldText() return getline(v:foldstart) . ' ... [' . (v:foldend-v:foldstart+1) . ' lines]' endfunction
- Briefly explain purpose of tip and how to use (don't assume reader can quickly determine what idea is).
- Include something like "On Unix systems..." near top as hint for new readers.
- Mention how the
makes Vim input from stdin.