Proposed tip Please edit this page to improve it, or add your comments below (do not use the discussion page).
created July 27, 2012 · complexity basic · version 7.0
Sweyla has a color theme generator. Here is a simple function and some mappings to download a theme from Swelya.
function! s:UpdateSweyla(...) if a:0 > 0 let l:timestamp = a:1 else let l:timestamp = system("date +%s") endif let l:timestamp = substitute(l:timestamp, "\n$", "", "g") let l:return = system("wget -q -O $HOME/.vim/colors/sweyla.vim" . l:timestamp . ".vim") colorscheme sweyla endfunction command! -nargs=? Sweyla call s:UpdateSweyla(<args>) nnoremap <Leader>w :Sweyla<CR>
If this is kept (what exactly does it do?), should replace the timestamp stuff with the builtin function (see Insert current date or time). Clarify that tip contains a path which would need to be modified on some systems. My personal opinion is that simplifying the job of downloading and running a script is not always desirable. Who controls JohnBot (talk) 04:48, July 30, 2012 (UTC)