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Tip 87 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created July 14, 2001 · complexity basic · author Leif Wickland · version 6.0

The format of the window title in Vim 5.x (well, at least for 5.7,.8, for Win32) used to be VIM - <full filename with path>. It's not in the win32 binary of 6.0an that I found. I want my old way back.

Turns out, all that it takes to get it back is

:set title titlestring=VIM\ -\ %F "make sure that the window caption setting is turned on and set caption to Vim 5.x style

Oh, however, one thing I did like about the 6.0 style is that it puts the word "help" in the title when the current buffer is a help file; so, I just tacked %h to my titlestring giving:

:set title titlestring=VIM\ -\ %F\ %h "make sure that the window caption setting is turned on and set caption to Vim 5.x style


