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Tip 472 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created May 12, 2003 · complexity basic · author robin · version 6.0
Here's a little function I put together to make some of my mappings easier to read, understand and change.
function ToggleFlag(option,flag) exec ('let lopt = &' . a:option) if lopt =~ (".*" . a:flag . ".*") exec ('set ' . a:option . '-=' . a:flag) else exec ('set ' . a:option . '+=' . a:flag) endif endfunction
Examples of use:
map <silent> <F8> :call ToggleFlag("guioptions","m")<CR> map <silent> <F9> :call ToggleFlag("guioptions","T")<CR>
The following might be more flexible (I think it should work for any flag-style option).
" my function to cycle a numeric option function CycleNum(option,min,inc,max) exec ('let tz_value = (((&'.a:option.'-'.a:min.')+'.a:inc.')%(('.a:max.'-'.a:min.')+'.a:inc.'))+'.a:min) if (tz_value < a:min) " in case inc<0 let tz_value = tz_value+a:max endif exec ('setlocal '.a:option.'='.tz_value) endfunction " my function to toggle an option flag function ToggleFlag(option,flag) exec ('let tf_o = &'.a:option) exec ('setlocal '.a:option.'-='.a:flag) exec ('let tf_t = &'.a:option) if (tf_o == tf_t) exec ('setlocal '.a:option.'+='.a:flag) endif endfunction " Toggle folding column noremap <silent> <F7> :call CycleNum("foldcolumn",0,2,6)<BAR>set foldcolumn?<CR> imap <F7> <C-O><F7> " Toggle window appearance noremap <silent> <F8> :call ToggleFlag("guioptions","m")<BAR>set guioptions?<CR> imap <F8> <C-O><F8> noremap <silent> <F9> :call ToggleFlag("guioptions","T")<BAR>set guioptions?<CR> imap <F9> <C-O><F9> " Cycle tabstop noremap <silent> <M-t>s :call CycleNum("tabstop",4,4,8)<BAR>set tabstop?<CR> " Cycle shiftwidth noremap <silent> <M-t>w :call CycleNum("shiftwidth",4,4,8)<BAR>set shiftwidth?<CR>