Tip 241 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created 2002 · complexity intermediate · author Edwin · version 6.0
I wanted to start using folding without having to get used to seeing the (default) markers, aka {{{
and }}}
. So, here are two autocmds that will make them fade to black (bg=black, fg=black). Alternatively, you could use the Ignore highlighting group.
Method 1:
au BufRead,BufNewfile * syn match fmrkr '"*{{{\|"*}}}' | \ syn cluster vimCommentGroup contains=fmrkr | \ hi fmrkr term=NONE guibg=black guifg=black \ ctermbg=black ctermfg=black
Method 2:
au BufRead,BufNewfile * syn match fmrkr '"*{{{\|"*}}}' \ containedin=vimLineComment contained | \ hi fmrkr term=NONE guibg=black guifg=black \ ctermbg=black ctermfg=black
Both methods accomplish the same thing, but in a different way. Simply pick one and see those annoying markers fade away.
I just tried it out with Vim files, but you can easily modify it for any other filetypes.
- :help ft-c-syntax
- :help :syn-containedin
- Understanding most of :help syntax.txt would also be helpful.
- See VimTip99 to determine what highlighting group the cursor is in.
It might be better to:
- Use add= instead of contains= for the syn cluster
- Use Syntax autocmd event instead of BufRead,BufNewfile for both methods
- With the above, make it trigger only for the correct language (e.g. autocmd Syntax vim ...)
- Would also like to see that the color selected was the current background color not just black (if I understand things)