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created June 19, 2008 · complexity basic · author Anon · version 7.0

Add the following to your vimrc:

function! DoHighlight(hlnum) range
  let l:saved_reg = @"
  execute "normal yw"
  let hls=@"
  execute a:hlnum . "match hl" . a:hlnum . " /" . hls . "/"
  let @" = l:saved_reg

:highlight hl1 term=bold ctermfg=blue guifg=blue
:highlight hl2 term=bold ctermfg=green guifg=green
:highlight hl3 term=bold ctermfg=red guifg=red

:noremap 1m :call DoHighlight(1)<CR>
:noremap 2m :call DoHighlight(2)<CR>
"3match is used by the matchparen plugin, however
:noremap 3m :call DoHighlight(3)<CR>

You can now highlight all occurrences of a word by moving the cursor to a word, then pressing 1m, 2m or 3m.


This is a clever little function, but I'd suggest using matchadd() (and matchdelete()) in the function and v:count in the mapping instead of match, 2match, and 3match. This would allow unlimited matches. Also, the ":" is unneeded in the execute statement. I have removed this and the commented-out debug code. In addition, yw may not be what you want...if you're trying to get the entire word under the cursor, yiw will do that, or even pass it in to the function as an argument and use <C-R><C-W> in the mapping.


Go ahead and add your own comments or edit my talk page if you want to discuss any of these comments. I think this could be a fairly good tip with a little work!

--Fritzophrenic 13:13, 19 June 2008 (UTC)

The Mark script does this, and even more. Check it out!

--Inkarkat 14:45, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
