Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 1551 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2008 · complexity basic · author Srepmub · version 7.0

This tip is deprecated for the following reasons:

If you're using IPython 0.11 or newer, have a look at vim-ipython. It ships with ipython, provides bidirectional interface between vim and ipython, and works on all platforms.

IPython and Vim make for a great IDE. The following shortcuts can help to make it even better.

To also avoid having to enter a test command in IPython, I use konsole and dcop to send the command to IPython automatically. In the following, ' is mapped to run the command 'r' in IPython. First, start IPython as follows:

konsole --script

Next, add the following mapping to vimrc:

nnoremap ' :wa<CR>:!dcop konsole-`pidof konsole` session-1 sendSession r<CR><CR>

I wanted to make this work in gnome-terminal as well, but couldn't figure out how to do this with DBUS. So here's a nice trick to make it work in any terminal that supports the 'screen' utility. First, create a 'virtual' screen named 'blah':

screen -S blah

Now to send a command to the 'blah' screen:

nnoremap ' :wa<CR>:!screen -x blah -X stuff $'r\n'<CR><CR>

To start screen with gnome-terminal:

gnome-terminal -e 'screen -S blah'

Please feel free to add more tips for integration with IPython below.

I used the following script:

" maps ' to save and run the current buffer in the ipython session
nnoremap ' :wa<CR>:!screen -x ipython_vim -X stuff $'\%run "%:p"\n'<CR><CR>

" opens a new konsole window with ipython running in screen
com OpenIPython :!konsole -e screen -S ipython_vim ipython


Find ipythonrc.ini and in this file find this line:

editor 0

and change this line to this line:

editor gvim -f

In ipythonrc.ini the hash symbol (#) means comments as in Python. Be aware that there are two ipythonrc.ini files: one in the installation directory, the other in C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>; one needs to modify the file in <Documents and Settings> and not in the installation directory for the effects to take place.

After doing these modifications, restart IPython and type:


and gvim will start.


I tried this on Windows, and when I type %edit in IPython it opens Notepad and not gvim.

It works with:

ipython profile create
# creates in document and settings/username/.ipython
Then edit this file to replace
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor = 'notepad'
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor = 'gvim -f'

Restart ipython, then %edit should work.
