Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 976 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2005 · complexity intermediate · author Suresh Govindachar · version 6.0

This tip requires Perl and overwrites the unnamed register.

The output of :ls is sorted by buffer number.

The following command results in a user defined command named :Ls (all user defined commands need to start with a capital letter).

The output of :Ls is the same as the output of :ls except that the output is sorted by buffer name.

Here's the command which you can place in your vimrc:

command! -bang Ls redir @" | silent ls<bang> | redir END | echo " " |
 \ perl {
 \ my $msg=VIM::Eval('@"');
 \ my %list=();
 \ my $key, $value;
 \ while($msg =~ m/(.*?line\s+\d+)/g)
 \ {
 \ $value = $1;
 \ $value =~ m/"([^"]+)"/;
 \ $key = $1;
 \ ($^O =~ /mswin/i) and $key = lc($key);
 \ $list{$key} = $value;
 \ }
 \ my $msg = '';
 \ for $key (sort keys %list)
 \ {
 \ $msg .= "$list{$key}\n";
 \ }
 \ VIM::Msg($msg);
 \ }
 \ <CR>

