Vim Tips Wiki
(replaced references to custom user-defined command; make it more obvious this is what is going on)
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Line 60: Line 60:
command! -nargs=? Scriptnames call s:Filter_lines('scriptnames', <q-args>)
command! -nargs=? Scriptnames call s:Filter_lines('scriptnames', <q-args>)
The following is a more generic function allowing you to view any ex command in a scratch buffer:
<source lang="vim">
function! s:Scratch (command, ...)
redir => lines
let saveMore = &more
set nomore
execute a:command
redir END
let &more = saveMore
call feedkeys("\<cr>")
new | setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
if a:0 > 0
execute 'vglobal/'.a:1.'/delete'
if a:command == 'scriptnames'
silent %substitute/\%^\_s*\n\|\_s*\%$
let height = line('$') + 3
execute 'normal! z'.height."\<cr>"
command! -nargs=? Scriptnames call <sid>Scratch('scriptnames', <f-args>)
command! -nargs=+ Scratch call <sid>Scratch(<f-args>)

Latest revision as of 15:54, 22 August 2013

Tip 515 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2003 · complexity intermediate · author Yakov Lerner · version 6.0

The :scriptnames command can be used to list the scripts that Vim has loaded. This tip provides information on how to list scripts that Vim failed to load. In addition, a user command is provided to list loaded scripts in a scratch buffer which you can search and edit (convenient for use of gf to edit scripts).

Listing loaded scripts[]

To see the file names of all scripts loaded (sourced) by Vim, including those loaded implicitly at startup, enter:


The list does not include "would-be scripts" (scripts that Vim tried to open but which failed without warning, perhaps because the script could not be found). To see the "would-be" scripts use the -V option when starting Vim:

vim -V

Use the following to show the system-dependent locations of configuration files (but not the location of system/personal plugins):

vim --version

Listing to a scratch buffer[]

The following code (for your vimrc) defines the :Scriptnames user command to list loaded scripts in a scratch buffer which you can search and edit. I.e. it wraps the built-in :scriptnames command to place the output in a buffer instead of just displaying it on-screen so that you can now manipulate the output. For example, this lets you put the cursor on the name of a script, and type gf ("goto file") to show that script.

The :Scriptnames command takes an argument which is a pattern to match the names of scripts of interest. Lines which do not contain the given argument are removed from the list. For example, entering :Scriptnames surround will list all scripts which contain "surround" in the path name of the script.

Create file ~/.vim/plugin/scriptnames.vim (Unix) or $HOME/vimfiles/plugin/scriptnames.vim (Windows) containing the script below, then restart Vim.

" Execute 'cmd' while redirecting output.
" Delete all lines that do not match regex 'filter' (if not empty).
" Delete any blank lines.
" Delete '<whitespace><number>:<whitespace>' from start of each line.
" Display result in a scratch buffer.
function! s:Filter_lines(cmd, filter)
  let save_more = &more
  set nomore
  redir => lines
  silent execute a:cmd
  redir END
  let &more = save_more
  setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
  put =lines
  if !empty(a:filter)
    execute 'v/' . a:filter . '/d'
command! -nargs=? Scriptnames call s:Filter_lines('scriptnames', <q-args>)

The following is a more generic function allowing you to view any ex command in a scratch buffer:

function! s:Scratch (command, ...)
   redir => lines
   let saveMore = &more
   set nomore
   execute a:command
   redir END
   let &more = saveMore
   call feedkeys("\<cr>")
   new | setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
   if a:0 > 0
      execute 'vglobal/'.a:1.'/delete'
   if a:command == 'scriptnames'
   silent %substitute/\%^\_s*\n\|\_s*\%$
   let height = line('$') + 3
   execute 'normal! z'.height."\<cr>"

command! -nargs=? Scriptnames call <sid>Scratch('scriptnames', <f-args>)
command! -nargs=+ Scratch call <sid>Scratch(<f-args>)



The Headlights plugin (for gvim or MacVim) creates menus for installed plugins along with their files (and commands, mappings, abbreviations, etc).