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Tip 515 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2003 · complexity intermediate · author Yakov Lerner · version 6.0

The :scriptnames command can be used to list the scripts that Vim has loaded. This tip provides information on how to list scripts that Vim failed to load. In addition, a user command is provided to list loaded scripts in a scratch buffer which you can search and edit (convenient for use of gf to edit scripts).

Listing loaded scripts

To see the file names of all scripts loaded (sourced) by Vim, including those loaded implicitly at startup, enter:


The list does not include "would-be scripts" (scripts that Vim tried to open but which failed without warning, perhaps because the script could not be found). To see the "would-be" scripts use the -V option when starting Vim:

vim -V

Use the following to show the system-dependent locations of configuration files (but not the location of system/personal plugins):

vim --version

Listing to a scratch buffer

The following code (for your vimrc) defines the :Scriptnames user command to list loaded scripts in a scratch buffer which you can search and edit. I.e. it wraps the built-in :scriptnames command to place the output in a buffer instead of just displaying it on-screen so that you can now manipulate the output. For example, this lets you put the cursor on the name of a script, and type gf ("goto file") to show that script.

The :Scriptnames command takes an argument which is a pattern to match the names of scripts of interest. Lines which do not contain the given argument are removed from the list. For example, entering :Scriptnames surround will list all scripts which contain "surround" in the path name of the script.

Create file ~/.vim/plugin/scriptnames.vim (Unix) or $HOME/vimfiles/plugin/scriptnames.vim (Windows) containing the script below, then restart Vim.

" Execute 'cmd' while redirecting output.
" Delete all lines that do not match regex 'filter' (if not empty).
" Delete any blank lines.
" Delete '<whitespace><number>:<whitespace>' from start of each line.
" Display result in a scratch buffer.
function! s:Filter_lines(cmd, filter)
  let save_more = &more
  set nomore
  redir => lines
  silent execute a:cmd
  redir END
  let &more = save_more
  setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
  put =lines
  if !empty(a:filter)
    execute 'v/' . a:filter . '/d'
command! -nargs=? Scriptnames call s:Filter_lines('scriptnames', <q-args>)

The following is a more generic function allowing you to view any ex command in a scratch buffer:

function! s:Scratch (command, ...)
   redir => lines
   let saveMore = &more
   set nomore
   execute a:command
   redir END
   let &more = saveMore
   call feedkeys("\<cr>")
   new | setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
   if a:0 > 0
      execute 'vglobal/'.a:1.'/delete'
   if a:command == 'scriptnames'
   silent %substitute/\%^\_s*\n\|\_s*\%$
   let height = line('$') + 3
   execute 'normal! z'.height."\<cr>"

command! -nargs=? Scriptnames call <sid>Scratch('scriptnames', <f-args>)
command! -nargs=+ Scratch call <sid>Scratch(<f-args>)



The Headlights plugin (for gvim or MacVim) creates menus for installed plugins along with their files (and commands, mappings, abbreviations, etc).
