- 256 colors in vim
- 256 colors setup for console Vim
- 80 character line wrap without broken words
- AES256 encryption in Vim
- A better Vimdiff Git mergetool
- A better gm command
- A better interfacing of (La)TeX with the quickfix mode
- Abbreviation that prompts whether to expand it or not
- Abbreviations only on shortcut
- Accelerated motion
- Access Python Help
- Access vim@vim.org using Newsgroup Reader
- Accessing the system clipboard
- Act on text objects with custom functions
- Add/change file extension in current buffer
- Add Java import statements automatically
- Add Vim to Windows Send To menu
- Add Vim to the Windows Explorer context menu
- Add a newline after given patterns
- Add classname based on filename while in input mode
- Add html tags with substitute
- Add trailing blanks to lines for easy visual blocks
- Add your function heading with a keystroke
- Add your note files to Vim help
- Adding MPI and PVM syntax highlighting
- Adding Vim to MS-Windows File Explorer Menu
- Adding a console to gdbvim
- Adjust display brightness in Mac OS X
- Align endif with corresponding if or ifdef directive
- Align numbers at decimal point
- Align text into a table
- Align text plugin
- All folds open when opening a file
- All the right moves
- All tips for C family programming
- Allow Inform header files to be distinguished from C headers
- Alter the display of buffers in the buffers menu
- Alternate delimiters for the replace command
- Alternative tab navigation
- Always keep quickfix window at specified height
- Always start on first line of git commit message
- Ampersand in freebsd shell commands to view LaTeX files
- Any word completion
- Append output of an external command
- Apply range to any command that does not accept ranges
- Applying substitutes to a visual block
- Arbitrary tags for file names
- Associate files with no extension to Vim under Windows
- Auctex-style environment creation in LaTeX
- Auto-detect number of cores for parallel build
- Auto-fold Perl subs
- Auto-save current buffer periodically
- Auto closing an HTML tag
- Auto commands for C/C++ editing
- Auto compile Javascript with Closure
- Auto copy the mouse selection
- Auto end-quote html/xml attribute values as you type in insert mode
- Auto execute yuicompressor
- Auto highlight current word when idle
- Auto insert Java class template when editing a new Java file
- Auto save files when focus is lost
- Auto spelling correction using abbreviations
- Auto tags by project.vim
- Autocapitalize the start of every sentence
- Autocheckout from perforce
- Autocmd to update ctags file
- Autocomplete with TAB when typing words
- Autoconvert leading eight spaces to tab when type or paste in Makefile
- Autoloading Cscope Database
- Automatic Commenting of Preprocessor Directives in C
- Automatic file type detection with fully qualified ClearCase names
- Automatic formatting of paragraphs
- Automatic insertion of C/C++ header gates
- Automatic scrolling of text
- Automatic session restore in git directories
- Automatic word wrapping
- Automatically Update Copyright Notice in Files
- Automatically add Python paths to Vim path
- Automatically append closing characters
- Automatically create and update cscope database
- Automatically create tmp or backup directories
- Automatically fitting a quickfix window height
- Automatically generate PHPdoc comments
- Automatically indent an XML file using XSLT
- Automatically maximizing gvim in KDE
- Automatically open the quickfix window on :make
- Automatically position the cursor when editing email messages
- Automatically quit Vim if quickfix window is the last
- Automatically redate file headers
- Automatically refresh display of html on saving file
- Automatically reload files with mixed line-endings in DOS fileformat
- Automatically set screen title
- Automatically sort Quickfix list
- Automatically wrap left and right
- Autoselect the right compiler using the filetype
- Avoid automatic jump after make
- Avoid scrolling when switch buffers
- Avoid the escape key
- Avoiding the "Hit ENTER to continue" prompts
- Back up Lists and Dictionaries to viminfo
- Backing up and commenting vimrc
- Backspace and delete problems
- Backspace key using puTTY to RH9 box
- Backward search for LaTeX documents
- Bash file encoding alias
- Basic postfix abbreviations
- Best Vim Tips
- Better colors for syntax highlighting
- Better indent support for php with html
- Bisecting
- Bookmark files
- Bookmarks as menu item
- Brackets and parentheses in Perl
- Browsing programs with tags
- Buffer bar to list buffers
- Buffers
- Build Python-enabled Vim on Windows with MinGW
- Build Vim in Windows with Cygwin
- Build Vim in Windows with Visual Studio
- Building Vim
- Building vim with color on HP-UX
- Bulk rename files with Vim
- C++ code completion
- C/C++ function abbreviations
- C code completion
- Cache user-preferred option values for later reset
- Calculate equations from within vim
- Calculator Editing
- Calculator and code evaluation using Perl
- Call TortoiseSVN commands from within Vim
- Capitalize words and regions easily
- Capitalize words in insert and normal modes without moving the cursor
- Capture SQL query output
- Capture all keys
- Capture ex command output
- Change C++ comments to C comments
- Change between backslash and forward slash
- Change cursor shape in different modes
- Change filetype based on directory path
- Change font
- Change font size quickly
- Change guifont to see more of your file
- Change statusline color to show insert or normal mode
- Change the Windows Explorer hotkey for Diff with Vim
- Change the color scheme
- Change the color scheme to show where you are
- Change the gvim mouse arrow cursor
- Change vimrc with auto reload
- Changing all HTML tags to lowercase
- Changing case with regular expressions
- Changing the default syntax highlighting
- Check for comments independent of filetype
- Check your syntax files for configurable options
- Chop long lines
- Cleanup your HTML
- Clojure Tips
- Close vim you left open remotely
- Close windows from gvim popup menu
- Cobol editing with Vim
- ColdFusion and matchit
- Collect filenames of current subtree
- Color highlighting on telnet
- Combine quickfix steps
- Combining move and scroll
- Combining vimdiff with cvs diff
- Comfortable handling of registers
- Command-history facilities for Oracle/sqlplus user
- Command line file name completion
- Command line switch to source a script
- Command line tricks
- Comment/UnComment visually selected text
- Comment & Uncomment multiple lines in Vim
- Comment Lines according to a given filetype
- Comment lines in different filetypes
- Comment your code blocks automatically
- Commenting out a range of lines
- Commenting with opfunc
- Compile Java with Jikes
- Compile Java with Sun JDK javac
- Compile a separate copy of Vim for Python coding
- Compiler for perl
- Compiling LaTeX from Vim
- Completion using a syntax file
- Compress Vim doc files to save space
- Configuring the cursor
- Console-like fonts for Windows GVim
- Context sensitive access to MSDN help
- Continue omnicompletion for python modules
- Continuing doxygen comments
- Control the position of the new window
- Convenience wrapper for setline
- Convert between hex and decimal
- Convert enum to string table
- Converting LANG to UTF-8
- Converting tabs to spaces
- Converting variables to or from camel case
- Copy, cut and paste
- Copy C++ function declaration into implementation file
- Copy an Entire Buffer to the Clipboard
- Copy and paste between Vim instances
- Copy and paste between sessions using a temporary file
- Copy current file to another location from within vim
- Copy filename to clipboard
- Copy or change search hit
- Copy paragraphs without excess newlines to MS Word
- Copy parts of filename to clipboard
- Copy search matches
- Correct format-flowed email function
- Correcting accented characters
- Count number of matches of a pattern
- Create LaTeX Tables
- Create a color scheme based on another
- Create new subroutines
- Create one mapping for both console and GUI
- Create patch for currently editing file
- Create underlines, overlines, and strikethroughs using combining characters
- Creating and maintaining a personal Knowledge Base with Vim
- Creating directories from a list
- Creating new text objects
- Creating your own syntax files
- Cscope
- Ctrl-N completion for XML/XSLT attributes
- Current buffer based menus
- Custom keyword completion
- Custom resizing on the spot
- Customize text for closed folds
- Cut/copy and paste using visual selection
- Cut or copy lines without counting the lines
- Cycle through buffers including hidden buffers
- Deadkeys / Accented Characters and Mutt integration
- Debug unexpected option settings
- Debugging window autocommands
- Decode MIME text using Perl in Vim
- Decompile Java .class files automatically
- Decrease chances of file corruption in case of computer crash
- Define your own colors
- Delete a pair of XML/HTML tags
- Delete all lines containing a pattern
- Delete files with a Vim command
- Delete some lines with some exceptions
- Delete words in a different way
- Deleting a buffer without closing the window
- Deleting nested reply threads in emails
- Describe a SQL table from Vim
- Desert color scheme with Vim in PuTTY
- Detect encoding from the charset specified in HTML files
- Detect non-Unicode Xterms
- Detect window creation with WinEnter
- Develop vim modules on Win
- Dictionary completions
- Did you know
- Did you know/2008
- Did you know/2009
- Diff current buffer and the original file
- Diff the current buffer with another file
- Different syntax highlighting within regions of a file
- Disable F1 built-in help key
- Disable automatic comment insertion
- Disable beeping
- Disable built-in command
- Disable the "Hit any key to close this window" message in remote editing
- Disabling IME input in Windows
- Disabling cabbrev
- Display UTF-8 characters in Mac Quicklook
- Display date-and-time on status line
- Display last viewed text lines at top of new shell
- Display line numbers
- Display output of shell commands in new window
- Display the name of the function you are editing
- Displaying a variable/macro definition
- Displaying status line always
- Displaying the current Vim environment
- Dosini files
- Double-click to open/close a fold
- Drag and drop file names into the Vim command line
- Drag words with Ctrl-left/right
- Duplicate previous line word by word
- EP3 Syntax File
- Easier buffer switching
- Easily change the path option
- Easily switch between source and header file
- Easily switch between two styles of color scheme
- Easy "Search Only In a Visually Selected Range"
- Easy (un)commenting out of source code
- Easy block selection with mouse
- Easy edit of files in the same directory
- Easy floating point arithmetic
- Easy indenting in insert and normal mode with no cursor displacement
- Easy pasting to Windows applications
- Easy playback of recorded keys
- Easy word and page selection and deletion in gvim
- Edit Java jar and other files
- Edit MoinMoin wiki files with folding
- Edit a file or jump to it if already open
- Edit a temporary copy of the current file
- Edit and organize several remote files easily
- Edit configuration files for a filetype
- Edit file found by whereis
- Edit file in existing vim automatically
- Edit gnupg-encrypted files
- Edit gpg encrypted files
- Edit multiple files from a list of file names
- Edit remote files locally via SCP/RCP/FTP
- Editing ActiveState Perl batch files
- Editing a hard link to a file
- Editing crontab
- Editing databases with Vim/Perl/DBI
- Editing files on an ftp server listening on a non-standard port
- Editing remote files via scp in vim
- Embedding vim in Visual Studio
- Enable paren matching over whole file
- Enable servername capability in vim/xterm
- Enabling Windows shortcuts for gvim
- Encrypt a file without leaving traces
- Encryption
- Enhance the calendar script with special dates
- Enhance the word complete.vim script
- Enhanced command window
- Entering special characters
- Environment variables
- Erasing previously entered characters in insert mode
- Errorformat and makeprg
- Errorformat for Intel ifort
- Errorformat for icc7
- Errorformat for java/ant/junit/cygwin/bash
- Errorformats
- Evaluate an expression in any mode
- Evaluate current line using Python
- Example vimrc
- Exchanging adjacent words
- Execute Python from within current file
- Execute a shell command in the directory shown in file explorer
- Execute accidentally inserted commands
- Execute command on each file in a list
- Execute commands from buffer text under Windows
- Execute commands without changing the search register
- Execute external programs asynchronously under Windows
- Execute sybase-sql queries and see the result in a split window
- Expand existing abbreviation
- Explorer startup and shutdown
- Extending keywords
- External commands on Windows
- External paste buffer
- Fast access to the first nine buffers
- Fast buffer navigation by buffer numbers