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Tip 1591 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created February 16, 2008 · complexity basic · author Metacosm · version 7.0

Omni completion provides smart autocompletion for programs. When invoked, the text before the cursor is inspected to guess what might follow. A popup menu offers word completion choices that may include struct and class members, system functions, and more. A similar feature in Microsoft Visual Studio is known as IntelliSense.

Vim 7 supports various languages, including C. Omni completion scripts can be written to support other languages, and to customize behavior. :help new-omni-completion :help compl-omni

Windows users need to install a recent version of Exuberant Ctags (Ctags 5.7, released September 2007, is recommended). :help ft-c-omni

C++ support

When editing a C++ file, enter the command :set omnifunc? to see what completion function is being used. If the result is omnifunc=ccomplete#Complete, it means you are using the C completion provided with Vim (not C++).

To support C++, install OmniCppComplete. See its doc/omnicppcomplete.txt file for information.

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