created 2006 · complexity basic · author Groleo Marius · version n/a
To open each buffer in its own tabpage, add this to your vimrc:
:au BufAdd,BufNewFile * nested tab sball
If you feed multiple files to vim from the commandline the `-p` flag will open each one its own tab:
gvim -p *.py
See also[]
I tried the first command and if you are using the MRU plugin it just freezes vim
I modified it to the following so that every file I open from the command line with Vim also opens in its own tab:
:au BufAdd,BufNewFile,BufRead * nested tab sball
However when I do :e!
to reload the current buffer, it always jumps to the last opened tab and reloads it.
I would like to get each tab bound to a buffer. This hint is one step closer to that, but not quite there yet. Say I am browsing code and I hit Ctrl-] to jump to a class definition which opens up a new file in a new tab, then I hit Ctrl-T to go back to the previous code. Now I have two tabs that have the same file loaded. Is there any way to catch the change buffer event, then find the tab that already has that buffer loaded and switch to that tab? To me this seems like the natural way to use tabs, at least it's how I'm used to using them from all other programs I've ever used tabs in. It seems funny that there is no option to have them work in this way in Vim.
This seems to do horrid things when I reference the help (e.g. :help :auto
): from 1 buffer containing the file I'm editing, I end up with 2, each in their own tab. My original file has been hidden, and I've two windows on the helpfile autocmd.txt - one pointing at start-of-file, the other pointing to the referenced tag.
It also does not work nicely if you use the :Explore
command to navigate the file system (which I do all the time). Every time you list a new directory, it opens a new tab. Needless to say the tabs pile up quickly.
I'm not sure why there's such a problem dealing with tabs - at least I don't find them difficult.
When I open a couple files and I want them to be in individual tabs, I add '-p' to the command:
gvim -p file1 file2 ...
and they all open in their own tabs.
Or, if I don't want that behavior, I omit the '-p', and Vim opens them in buffers but doesn't display them, and then, if I decide I want to split a window and show a particular combination of files in the same tab (or window) I can using the standard (old) splitting methods.
If I have a particular buffer I want to open in a tab, after I've loaded it, I use ':tabfind filename' and Vim opens that buffer in a tab. Or, I just open a blank tab (':tabnew') then do a :bu to pull that file into the tab.
Here is what I use in my .vimrc. I hope it is helpful:
"-------------------- " Function: Open tag under cursor in new tab " Source: "-------------------- map <C-\> :tab split<CR>:exec("tag ".expand("<cword>"))<CR> "-------------------- " Function: Remap keys to make it more similar to firefox tab functionality " Purpose: Because I am familiar with firefox tab functionality "-------------------- map <C-T> :tabnew<CR> map <C-N> :!gvim &<CR><CR> map <C-W> :confirm bdelete<CR>
I've modified the original example a little to try and avoid hitting help, it still messes up :e! but mostly works (only briefly tested)
au BufNewFile,BufRead * nested \ if &buftype != "help" | \ tab sball | \ endif