Duplicate tip
This tip is very similar to the following:
These tips need to be merged – see the merge guidelines.
created December 10, 2003 · complexity intermediate · author Adam Monsen · version 5.7
" put the cursor over a perl function and try backslash-pf to see perldoc :nmap <Leader>pf :!perldoc -f <cword><CR> " put the cursor over a perl module name and try backslash-pd to see perldoc :nmap <Leader>pd :e `perldoc -ml <cword>`<CR> " see ':help mapleader' for more info... default is backslash.
Here's something similar I use, with these improvements on original post:
- Only sets up the mapping when editing perl files
- Sets up 1 smart mapping that automatically works for perl functions as well as modules
- Uses vim's build-in keyword definition feature instead of defining a new mapping
In your .vimrc add these 2 lines:
autocmd BufEnter *.pl,*.pm,*.cgi let oldkp=&kp | set keywordprg=perl \ -e\ $c=shift;exec\"perldoc\".($c=~/^[a-z]+$/?\"\ -f\ \":\"\ \").$c' autocmd BufLeave *.pl,*.pm,*.cgi let &keywordprg=oldkp
Then when editing a perl file you can use perl's built-in keyword definition mapping (capital K == shift+k) when under a perl function or module to see it's POD.
See :help K.
Doesn't work. This is the error message I get.
Error detected while processing BufEnter Auto commands for "*.pl": E518: Unknown option: \ -e\ $c=shift;exec"perldoc".($c=~/^[a-z]+$/?"\ -f\ ":"\ ").$c'
Try this:
autocmd BufEnter *.pl,*.pm,*.cgi setlocal keywordprg=perl\ -e'$c=shift;exec\"perldoc\ \".(/::/?\"\":\"-f\").\"\ $c\"'
(You don't need the BufLeave with setlocal)
It's clumsy. If you try to look at docs for Modules like CGI or DBI perldoc -f will still be called. You have to press enter once or twice before seeing the desired documentation and once or twice afterwards, depending on various conditions.
If there is a vimscript that handles this better I'd like to see it. Something that checks perldoc's exit code and tries again probably.
Try this:
autocmd FileType perl :setlocal keywordprg=perl\ -e\ '$c=shift;exec\"perldoc\ $c\ \|\|\ perldoc\ -f\ $c\ \|\|\ echo\"'
This will try the keyword as a module first and if that fails it will call perldoc again with -f on the assumption that we're looking at a function. If that fails then echo an empty string to avoid some wierdities.
However. It's still clumsy. You have to press q and then any key to get back to your buffer. Is there anyway to get this output into a help buffer?
Try this:
autocmd FileType perl noremap K :!echo <cWORD> <cword> <bar> perl -e '$line = <STDIN>; if ($line =~ /(\w+::\w+)/){exec("perldoc $1")} elsif($line =~ /(\w+)/){exec "perldoc -f $1 <bar><bar> perldoc $1"}'<cr><cr>
autocmd FileType perl noremap K :!echo <cWORD> <bar> perl -e '$line = <STDIN>; if ($line =~ /([\w:]+)/){exec("perldoc $1 <bar><bar> perldoc -f $1")}' 2>/dev/null<cr><cr>
This will work on:
use MIME::Lite; use Encode; print("El Barto was here") $msg->send;