Use this page to discuss script 1528 comments: comment/un-comment source code
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There are a couple of bugs:
- The selecting a line (e.g. "asdf") with shift-v in cpp mode, and hitting control-C "comments" every letter (so you get e.g. "//a//s//d//f").
- In ocaml, whitespace is sometimes lost when commenting lines. E.g commenting out the second line in 'print_endline\n "hello world"' (where \n is newline), causes that line to lose indentation.
It would also be nice if this plugin used block comments - not just repeat commenting for all lines (e.g. /* */ in cpp instead of //).
I noticed that it comments already commented lines. Great time saver though!!.
Another issue: commenting is enabled in command history which blocks 'cntl-c-c' exiting.
The FileType setting should also be respected. I.e. if I open a *.c file and `:set ft=python', commenting should use '#', not '//'.