Use this page to discuss script 157 autoload_cscope: search for and load cscope.out databases automatically
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Usage under MS Windows[]
I changed the windowdir function to:
" windowdir " Gets the directory for the file in the current window " Or the current working dir if there isn't one for the window. " Use tr to allow that other OS paths, too function s:windowdir() if winbufnr(0) == -1 let unislash = getcwd() else let unislash = fnamemodify(bufname(winbufnr(0)), ':p:h') endif return tr(unislash, '\', '/') endfunc
Dotan, January 27, 2011
Auto Update Database[]
" If you set this to 1, it will auto update your cscope/gtags database and " reset the cscope connection when you save a file. if !exists("g:autocscope_auto_update") let g:autocscope_auto_update = 1 endif function s:Update_csdb() if g:autocscope_auto_update != 1 return endif if exists("b:csdbpath") if cscope_connection(3, g:autocscope_tagfile_name, b:csdbpath) if g:autocscope_use_gtags == 1 "exe "silent !cd " . b:csdbpath . " && global -u &" exe "silent !cd " . b:csdbpath . " && global -u" else "exe "silent !cd " . b:csdbpath . " && cscope -Rbq &" exe "silent !cd " . b:csdbpath . " && cscope -Rbq" endif set nocsverb exe "cs reset" set csverb endif endif endfunc " auto toggle the menu augroup autoload_cscope au! au BufEnter *.[chly] call <SID>Cycle_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus() au BufEnter *.cc call <SID>Cycle_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus() au BufWritePost *.[chly] call <SID>Update_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus() au BufWritePost *.cc call <SID>Update_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus() au BufUnload *.[chly] call <SID>Unload_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus() au BufUnload *.cc call <SID>Unload_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus() augroup END
Flynn December 10, 2011
Support for GNU GLOBAL[]
" If you set this to 1, it will use gtags-cscope instead of cscope which is " faster than cscope. if !exists("g:autocscope_use_gtags") let g:autocscope_use_gtags = 1 endif if g:autocscope_use_gtags == 1 let g:autocscope_tagfile_name = "GTAGS" set cscopeprg=gtags-cscope else let g:autocscope_tagfile_name = "cscope.out" set cscopeprg=cscope endif
In function Cycle_csdb: When use gtags-cscope, should change to the directory that contains the dbs first.
exe "cs add " . b:csdbpath . "/cscope.out " . b:csdbpath
exe "cd " . b:csdbpath exe "cs add " . b:csdbpath . "/" . g:autocscope_tagfile_name . " " . b:csdbpath
Then replace "out", "cscope.out" with g:autocscope_tagfile_name at other places. --Flynn December 10, 2011