Vim Tips Wiki

Use this page to discuss script 1905 camelcasemotion: motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation

  • Add constructive comments, bug reports, or discuss improvements (see the guideline).
  • Do not document the script here (the author should do that on
  • This page may be out of date: check the script's page above, and its release notes.


Great script. But IMO it lacks one feature: for some file types dash character is considered a keyword (see :h iskeyword), which makes it a part of a word (just like underscore). But the script acts as if dashes were a regular letter characters in such cases. It doesn't stop on dashes when `,w`, `,e` or `,b` motions are used.

For such a files it would be great for camelCaseMotion to be able to move through parts of a word separated by dashes also. In other words, if dash is a keyword, it would be useful if the script could treat dashes inside of words the same way as it currently treats underscores.

Great suggestion! I will check whether it's possible to make the separator characters configurable, so that different / additional ones can be chosen. -- Inkarkat 14:31, November 14, 2010 (UTC)

Is this a bug or configurable behaviour?[]

I love the plugin, but find that, for example, changing a word in underscore_notation also changes the trailing underscore.

Is there a way to not include that in the word that is being changed? I hope this is clear...

That's the difference between c,w and c,e. -- Inkarkat (talk) 11:23, June 27, 2013 (UTC)

Possible bug with trailing CAPS[]

e.g. when moving using ,w the plugin doesn't seem to see the boundary at F in helloWorldFDSADS blah but it does see it in helloWorldFDSADSblah
