Vim Tips Wiki

Use this page to discuss script 4888 svnj: plugin for subversion (svn)

  • Add constructive comments, bug reports, or discuss improvements (see the guideline).
  • Do not document the script here (the author should do that on
  • This page may be out of date: check the script's page above, and its release notes.

Please do not use this page to document the plugin. The documentation should be in the plugin and/or on or some other website. This wiki page is for comments from users of the plugin.

Supported OS[]



Use this option to allow default mappings. The dafault value for this is 0 At .vimrc code

let g:svnj_allow_leader_mappings = 1

With above value set the following are default mappings

map <silent> <leader>b :SVNBlame<CR>
map <silent> <leader>c :SVNCommits<CR>
map <silent> <leader>d :SVNDiff<CR>
map <silent> <leader>s :SVNStatus<CR>
map <silent> <leader>su :SVNStatus<CR>
map <silent> <leader>sq :SVNStatus u q<CR>
map <silent> <leader>sp :SVNStatus u py<CR>
map <silent> <leader>l :SVNLog<CR>
map <silent> <leader>L :SVNList<CR>
map <silent> <leader>q :diffoff! <CR> :q<CR>



This is used as a count of logs retrieved per revision. The default is 10 In order to increase this value to say 20 at vimrc

let g:svnj_max_logs = 20


This is used to ignore files for svn status, svn list and svn logs Default ignore list is ['.pyc', '.bin', '.egg', '.so', '*.rpd'] To ignore files with extension .class, .obj at vimrc code

let g:svnj_ignore_files = ['.class', '.obj']



These variable are used to retrieve the files from branches and trunk. If this option is set to proper value svnj shall be able to display files from the trunk and other branches. Helpful to diff and logs of files across branches and/or trunk. These values should point to the parent directory of the checkedout copy at the svn server At .vimrc code

let g:svnj_branch_url="svn://"
let g:svnj_trunk_url="svn://"

NOTE: replace with ipaddress to your svn server address

Example 1: Lets say for a given file sample.txt

SVN Trunk is svn://

SVN Branch is svn://

Working copy of trunk is : /home/user/mytrunk/dir1/dir2/sample.txt

The working copy has the trunk checked out at mytrunk directory from svn://

The vimrc settings

let g:svnj_trunk_url="svn://"
let g:svnj_branch_url="svn://"