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Tip 123 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2001 · complexity basic · version 6.0

It is easy to search for the word under the cursor using the super star (*). Here is how to search all files in a directory.

Enter the command :set grepprg? to determine what program is used on your system to execute the :grep command. If it is the grep utility, the following mappings allow searching files in a directory for the word under the cursor.

:nnoremap gr :grep <cword> *<CR>
:nnoremap Gr :grep <cword> %:p:h/*<CR>
:nnoremap gR :grep '\b<cword>\b' *<CR>
:nnoremap GR :grep '\b<cword>\b' %:p:h/*<CR>

The first mapping searches for the text in the word under the cursor (like g*) in any of the files in the current directory.

The second mapping searches for the text in the word under the cursor (like g*) in any of the files in the same directory as the current file.

The third mapping searches for the whole word under the cursor (like *) in any of the files in the current directory.

The fourth mapping searches for the whole word under the cursor (like *) in any of the files in the same directory as the current file.

On a Windows system, 'grepprg' may be set to use the findstr utility. In that case, the last two mappings should be:

:nnoremap gR :grep "\<<cword>\>" *<CR>
:nnoremap GR :grep "\<<cword>\>" %:p:h/*<CR>

See also[]


It would be nice if this tip also metion how to browse through the returned locations.

See the Find in files within Vim tip. There's not really much here that isn't covered there. --Fritzophrenic (talk) 17:30, November 27, 2012 (UTC)