This is a small mapping that can be used for jumping sections in a latex file.
map <silent> ]s :/\\\(sub\)\{,2}section\s*{<CR> :noh<CR> map <silent> [s :?\\\(sub\)\{,2}section\s*{<CR> :noh<CR>
The above commands don't work with a count. The following maps correctly work with a count and also update the pattern. Also, if you want to keep the original search pattern, just comment out the "let @/ = pat" line.
" section jumping noremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :<c-u>call TexJump2Section( v:count1, '' )<CR> noremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :<c-u>call TexJump2Section( v:count1, 'b' )<CR> function! TexJump2Section( cnt, dir ) let i = 0 let pat = '^\s*\\\(part\|chapter\|\(sub\)*section\|paragraph\)\>\|\%$\|\%^' let flags = 'W' . a:dir while i < a:cnt && search( pat, flags ) > 0 let i = i+1 endwhile let @/ = pat endfunction