created 2006 · complexity basic · author Salman Halim · version 6.0
This function/command works just like the built-in :set
except that it escapes out the spaces on the rhs, making things a bit more easy:
Regular set:
set fp=par\ 70j
Our set:
Set fp=par 70j
Just like the regular :set
, multiple options may still be specified:
Set fp=par 70j tw=100 ai! ai?
The only known caveat is in single word options:
Set fp=par 70j ai
What you'll end up with is 'fp' set to 'par 70j ai' because Set uses the presence of the =, ! or ? symbols to differentiate the current word as the start of a new option rather than part of the last one.
Of course, there is no real reason to use Set unless there is an obscure set, such as:
Set mp=texify -b -p --src-specials %
set mp=texify\ -b\ -p\ --src-specials\ %
Of course, there is:
let &mp='texify -b -p --src-specials %'
I like the ability to use Set, however; requires much less thought and planning: if I do a regular 'set' and get an error, I just go up a line in the command-line history and change the 'set' to 'Set' and forget it.
function! Set( ... ) let result = '' for i in a:000 if ( i !~ '[=!?]' ) let result .= '\' endif " Escaping out any existing spaces takes care of the case where we passed in escaped spaces. let result .= ' ' .escape( i, ' ' ) endfor execute 'set' .result endfunction com! -nargs=+ -complete=option Set call Set( <f-args> )
If I'm reading that right, it can't correctly preseve multiple spaces on the original line. That may sometimes be a problem. Multiple consecutive spaces, I mean.
You are correct. I had toyed with the idea of passing everything in as one big argument and parsing through it myself (match() and strpart() or something), but I just couldn't think of an example from my personal usage where I ever passed in anything but single spaces.