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created January 1, 2007 · complexity intermediate · author Shotaro Aoyama · version n/a
This is a function to show what C/C++ function/struct/class the cursor is in. I think this method is fast enough for practical use, but it's not complete.
function! GetProtoLine() let ret = "" let line_save = line(".") let col_save = col(".") let top = line_save - winline() + 1 let so_save = &so let &so = 0 let istypedef = 0 " find closing brace let closing_lnum = search('^}','cW') if closing_lnum > 0 if getline(line(".")) =~ '\w\s*;\s*$' let istypedef = 1 let closingline = getline(".") endif " go to the opening brace normal! % " if the start position is between the two braces if line(".") <= line_save if istypedef let ret = matchstr(closingline, '\w\+\s*;') else " find a line contains function name let lnum = search('^\w','bcnW') if lnum > 0 let ret = getline(lnum) endif endif endif endif " restore position and screen line exe "normal! " . top . "Gz\<CR>" call cursor(line_save, col_save) let &so = so_save return ret endfunction function! WhatFunction() if &ft != "c" && &ft != "cpp" return "" endif let proto = GetProtoLine() if proto == "" return "?" endif if stridx(proto, '(') > 0 let ret = matchstr(proto, '\w\+(\@=') elseif proto =~# '\<struct\>' let ret = matchstr(proto, 'struct\s\+\w\+') elseif proto =~# '\<class\>' let ret = matchstr(proto, 'class\s\+\w\+') else let ret = strpart(proto, 0, 15) . "..." endif return ret endfunction " You may want to call WhatFunction in the statusline set statusline=%f:%{WhatFunction()}\ %m%=\ %l-%v\ %p%%\ %02B
This function works well in the following testcase:
void draw() { // When cursor is here, WhatFunction() shows "draw" glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT {{|}} GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } typedef struct { int ident; // { <- braces in comments are ignored thanks to %. Great! int version; // here it shows "} HEADER" } HEADER; # define EX(a, b, c, d) a enum CMD_index #endif { EX(CMD_append, "append", ex_append); // here "enum CMD_index..." }; class Sys { public: load() { // NG: here, it shows "Sys" instead of "load"... } }; class Camera : public Object { public: void init(); }; void Camera::init() { // here WhatFunction shows "init" }
I again had some problems with scrolling. This time, side-to-side scrolling in diff mode (specifically no line wrap). When the text was scrolled left, pressing 'h' or 'l' would act as if I'd pressed 'zh' or 'zl'.
Similar to the previous issue, I solved the problem by storing the value returned from wincol() in a variable, at the beginning of GetProtoLine(). Then at the end of GetProtoLine(), if wincol() is different, I scroll appropriately.
" restore position and screen line exe "normal! " . top . "Gz\<CR>" call cursor(line_save, col_save) let &so = so_save
" restore position and screen line exe "normal! " . top . "Gz\<CR>" call cursor(line_save, col_save) let line_diff = winline() - window_line if line_diff > 0 exe 'normal ' . line_diff . '^E' elseif line_diff < 0 exe 'normal ' . -line_diff . '^Y' endif let &so = so_save
But should be:
" restore position and screen line exe "normal! " . top . "Gz\<CR>" call cursor(line_save, col_save) let line_diff = winline() - window_line " check if we are in diff mode if &diff if line_diff > 0 exe 'normal ' . line_diff . '^E' elseif line_diff < 0 exe 'normal ' . -line_diff . '^Y' endif endif let &so = so_save
We need to check if we are in diff mode or it will fail otherwise
Calling WhatFunction() in the status line breaks multi-line actions like "2yy" for me, just one line is copied instead of two. Any idea how to fix that?
To use it, simply enter this (perhaps using a mapping) to show the function name:
:echo WhatFunction()
Or use it in the statusline as already mentioned.
The method of finding opening brace can be replaced by the one of script#1628. That's better?
The regexp used to find the function name, assumes that the function name would not have underscores
present code:
let ret = matchstr(proto, '\w\+(\@=')
could be:
let ret = matchstr(proto, '[[:alnum:]_ ]\+(\@=')
Don't forget that you'll have tildes in destructor names.
let ret = matchstr(proto, '[[:alnum:]_ ]\+(\@=')
could be:
let ret = matchstr(proto, '\~\?[[:alnum:]_ ]\+(\@=')
I set this up to show the function name in my statusline. However, when I was diff-ing two different versions of the same file, and odd scrolling behavior occurred... With the cursor on the bottom line of the window, I pressed 'k', and vi acted as if I pressed 'Ctrl-y'.
I solved the problem by storing the value returned from winline() in a variable, at the beginning of GetProtoLine(). Then at the end of GetProtoLine(), if winline() is different, I scroll appropriately.
A shorter (but not perfect) method
type "[[" - jump to the previous '{' in the first column. Of course functions must look like this:
type function_name( ... ) { ... }
type function_name( ... ) { ... }
jump back with "CTRL-O"
Jumplist fix
The script modified the :jumplist, to fix this, change normal! % to keepjumps normal! % and exe "normal! " . top . "Gz\<CR>" to exe "keepjumps normal! " . top . "Gz\<CR>".
(BTW, the original reg ex accepts "_", because it is in \w, why should a change be needed?)
I think it could be helpful to add a way to quickly disable it for a buffer:
" allow to quickly disable it (:let b:noWhatFunction=1) if exists("b:noWhatFunction") && b:noWhatFunction return "" endif
To simplify using all the improvements, here an update C&P-ready:
function! GetProtoLine() let ret = "" let line_save = line(".") let col_save = col(".") let window_line = winline() let top = line_save - winline() + 1 let so_save = &so let &so = 0 let istypedef = 0 " find closing brace let closing_lnum = search('^}','cW') if closing_lnum > 0 if getline(line(".")) =~ '\w\s*;\s*$' let istypedef = 1 let closingline = getline(".") endif " go to the opening brace keepjumps normal! % " if the start position is between the two braces if line(".") <= line_save if istypedef let ret = matchstr(closingline, '\w\+\s*;') else " find a line contains function name let lnum = search('^\w','bcnW') if lnum > 0 let ret = getline(lnum) endif endif let lines = closing_lnum - line(".") let line_rel = line_save - line(".") let ret = ret . ':' . line_rel . '/' . lines endif endif "exe "keepjumps normal! " . top . "Gz\<CR>" " restore position and screen line call cursor(line_save, col_save) " needed for diff mode (scroll fixing) let line_diff = winline() - window_line if line_diff > 0 exe 'normal ' . line_diff . "\<c-e>" elseif line_diff < 0 exe 'normal ' . -line_diff . "\<c-y>" endif " sometimes cursor position is wrong after scroll fix, why? Workaround: call cursor(line_save, col_save) let &so = so_save return ret endfunction function! WhatFunction() " allow to quickly disable it (:let b:noWhatFunction=1) if exists("b:noWhatFunction") && b:noWhatFunction return "" endif if &ft != "c" && &ft != "cpp" return "" endif let proto = GetProtoLine() if proto == "" return "?" endif let line_info = matchstr(proto, ':\d\+\/\d\+') if stridx(proto, '(') > 0 let ret = matchstr(proto, '\~\?\w\+(\@=') elseif proto =~# '\<struct\>' let ret = matchstr(proto, 'struct\s\+\w\+') elseif proto =~# '\<class\>' let ret = matchstr(proto, 'class\s\+\w\+') else let ret = strpart(proto, 0, 15) . "..." endif let ret .= line_info return ret endfunction
Please see StlShowFunc plugin: Showing Functions in the Status Line
It works for several languages.