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Tip: #709 - Simple creation of scripts

Created: May 2, 2004 23:39 Complexity: basic Author: Yakov Lerner <> Version: 6.0 Karma: 53/26 Imported from: Tip#709

If you create lot of shell scripts, then you'll find this useful:

" automatically give executable permissions if filename is *.sh 
au BufWritePost *.sh :!chmod a+x <afile> 
" automatically insert "#!/bin/sh" line for *.sh files 
au BufEnter *.sh if getline(1) == "" | :call setline(1, "#!/bin/sh") | endif 
" automatically give executable permissions if file begins with #!/bin/sh 
au BufWritePost * if getline(1) =~ "^#!/bin/[a-z]*sh" | silent !chmod a+x <afile> | endif 

Yakov Lerner


Cool Tip! I adopted it for python files:

au BufEnter *.py if getline(1) == "" | :call setline(1, "#!/usr/bin/env python") | endif 

Might be useful for other languages as well, maybe an idea for a plugin for multiple languages.


fs111 at web dot de , May 3, 2004 4:20

Here's something a little better for python:

" Python header 
function! <SID>PythonHeader() 
 :call setline(1, "#! /bin/sh") 
 :call append(1, "# vim: filetype=python") 
 :call append(2, "\"\"\":\"") 
 :call append(3, "exec python $0 ${1+\"$--AT--\"}") 
 :call append(4, "\"\"\"") 
 :call append(5, "") 
 exe 6 

au BufEnter *.py if getline(1) == "" | call s:PythonHeader() | endif 

Or for shell:

" Shell header 
function! <SID>ShellHeader() 
 :call setline(1, "#! /bin/sh") 
 :call append(1, "") 
 exe 2 

au BufEnter *.sh if getline(1) == "" | call s:ShellHeader() | endif , May 6, 2004 14:18

The last line of the expression do somethink wrong on my .vimrc. After

au BufWritePost * if getline(1) =~ "^#! ?/bin/[a-z]*sh" | silent !chmod a+x <afile> | endif 

a following

au BufWritePost *.pl :silent !chmod a+x <afile> 

will never been executed. It seems that the endif in the line bevor will not be find.

Any clue? , May 22, 2004 23:45

I did not want the script to keep doing the chmod even when the file is already excutable, so this is what I have in my .vimrc:

" Define a function that can tell me if a file is executable 
function! FileExecutable (fname) 
 execute "silent! ! test -x" a:fname 
 return v:shell_error 

" Automatically make Perl and Shell scripts executable if they aren't already 
au BufWritePost *.sh,*.pl,*.cgi if FileExecutable("%:p") | :!chmod a+x % ^--AT-- endif 

Note that the ^--AT-- is actually Ctrl-V Ctrl-J (an imbedded new line), because you cannot use | as a separator after an external command. , July 22, 2004 10:54

For the problem with " | endif" after a shell command - e.g.:

au BufWritePost * if getline(1) =~ "^#! ?/bin/[a-z]*sh" | silent !chmod a+x <afile> | endif 

I noticed that the above works fine for csh / tcsh, but not in a bash shell. I got this to work fine for a bash shell: 

au BufWritePost * if getline(1) =~ "^#! ?/bin/[a-z]*sh" | silent !chmod a+x <afile> 
au BufWritePost * | endif 


cj a t nologic d o t org , August 24, 2006 9:07
