Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 1166 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created March 9, 2006 · complexity basic · author Robert Stovall · version 5.7

This is just a reminder of how to take advantage of existing Vim capability. I had not needed to sort before and took a few minutes to find a good example.

Sort lines in Vim using blocks:


Yes, it's that simple.

Key strokes:

  • Place cursor at first line of range to be sorted.
  • Use marker (ma) to mark starting point
  • Go to last line of range to be sorted
  • Issue command from marker (a) to here with :'a,.!sort

See also



Update tip for Vim 7. It is now almost always better to use the :sort command that is built into Vim: Use flag n to sort numerically or u to keep unique lines.

Press V and highlight the lines you want (instead of marks), then :!sort.

Note that for Vim <7, this uses the external sort program. This has some consequences:

  • The program must be installed (which it usually is).
  • Options can be passed to it.

which means you can do (for example)

:!sort -n

to sort numerically,

:!sort -k2

to sort on the second field, etc.

Just to point out that sort is a *nix utility. Windows users will need to get sort.exe from or

To sort whole file, and delete duplicates

:%!sort -u

the ! here means access external utility

To remove duplicate lines from a sorted list (make each line unique):


works better in windows

Note that the todo at the top of these Comments points out we should all be using Vim 7 now, and that makes this tip obsolete.
To sort lines and remove duplicates in Vim 7:
:sort u
