created August 9, 2003 · complexity basic · author Peter Backes · version 6.0
You might have noticed that gvim uses slightly different colors compared to the console version. If you like the console colors more than the gvim default colors (as I do), you can add the following to your vimrc:
set background=dark hi SpecialKey guifg=Blue hi MoreMsg guifg=Green hi Visual guifg=NONE guibg=NONE hi Folded ctermbg=4 guibg=Blue hi FoldColumn ctermbg=7 hi DiffAdd guibg=Blue hi DiffChange guibg=Magenta hi DiffDelete guibg=Cyan hi Normal guifg=Gray guibg=Black hi Cursor guibg=White hi lCursor guibg=White hi Comment guifg=Cyan hi Constant guifg=Magenta hi Special guifg=Red hi Identifier guifg=Cyan hi Statement guifg=Yellow hi PreProc guifg=Blue hi Type guifg=Green hi Underlined guifg=Blue hi Todo guifg=Black
There's one little difference: Folded is changed to something better for console *and* gui and FoldColumn is left as is in gvim and changed for console vim to match the gvim version.
For those of you who like the old school VGA console feel, heres a truetype version of the VGA font used by most graphics cards. Make sure you set it to be used at size 17 cos thats the only font size it will work at.
This should be distributed with vim among the other colorschemes. I think the only thing that is missing are the colors of the ruler (when switching colorschemes, the ruler's colors are not updated). Perhaps
hi StatusLine guifg=black guibg=gray
should do the trick.
I think the line "hi Visual guifg=NONE guibg=NONE" was causing my VIM on XP to complain "Warning: terminal cannot highlight"
This changed from 6.2 to 7.0 (Highlighting a line worked in 6.2, it stopped working in 7.0)