created 2003 · complexity intermediate · author Klaus Horsten · version 6.0
You can use Vim as a refactoring tool. The advantages are:
- You automate repetitive writing tasks.
- You learn refactoring.
You can expect much from a refactoring tool but if you have a look at the commercial refactoring tools there is much (not all!) Vim can do too.
I give you three examples, all in C#.
Example 1: The Extract Method refactoring[]
Sphagetti code example:
public string CreateMenu(string startMenu,string file) { string strOutput = ""; int i = 0; ArrayList startArray = new ArrayList(); string strVariable = ""; string strTemp = ""; XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { XMLDoc.Load(file); } catch (Exception e) { strOutput = e.GetBaseException().ToString(); return strOutput; } XmlNodeList nodeList = XMLDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; ...
Imagine 50 lines of code here.
Use the extract method refactoring to make a composed method.
I use a Vim function (see below) to build the extracted method.
I highlight the code part I want to extract and press \em
(for extract method).
A dialog appears and asks me how to name the new method.
I type in "GetXmlDocumentFrom" and do get this:
// = GetXmlDocumentFrom(); private GetXmlDocumentFrom() { XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { XMLDoc.Load(file); } catch (Exception e) { strOutput = e.GetBaseException().ToString(); return strOutput; } // return ; }
Now I have time to think what parameters the method needs and what to return.
I end up with the following function and remove it from the original function:
private XmlDocument GetXmlDocumentFrom(string XmlFile) { XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); string strOutput = ""; try { XMLDoc.Load(XmlFile); } catch (Exception e) { strOutput = e.GetBaseException().ToString(); ErrorMessage(strOutput); } return XMLDoc; }
In the original code I put two lines.
XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); XMLDoc = GetXmlDocumentFrom(XmlFile);
So I reduced the original code for 8 lines and made it clearer what the code does.
I do this with the rest of the code again and again.
Since the class gets bloated because of the many new methods I later will use the Extract Class refactoring to put this method in an own XmlDocument-class.
This has the advantage that our new function is also available for other similar purposes.
I will create the new class also with the help of Vim, the actual extracting of the method into the new class is just a matter of copy & paste.
Here is the Vim code:
vmap \em :call ExtractMethod()<CR> function! ExtractMethod() range let name = inputdialog("Name of new method:") '< exe "normal! O\<BS>private " . name ."()\<CR>{\<Esc>" '> exe "normal! oreturn ;\<CR>}\<Esc>k" s/return/\/\/ return/ge normal! j% normal! kf( exe "normal! yyPi// = \<Esc>wdwA;\<Esc>" normal! == normal! j0w endfunction
Example 2: The Self Encapsulate Field refactoring[]
I have heard a programmer who just uses Visual Studio (nothing against Visual Studio, it's a great tool!) say: "I do not use properties. It's too much work." He just uses fields instead.
With Vim it is no problem to write a property, that is, to use the Self Encapsulate Field refactoring.
I write a name e.g. Name
(create property with string). Voila, the new property appears in just a second:
private string m_Name; public string Name { get { return m_Name; } set { m_Name = value; } }
Here are the Vim mappings and the underlying function:
"Create property imap <C-c><C-p><C-s> <Esc>:call CreateProperty("string")<CR>a imap <C-c><C-p><C-i> <Esc>:call CreateProperty("int")<CR>a function! CreateProperty(type) exe "normal bim_\<Esc>b\"yywiprivate ".a:type." \<Esc>A;\<CR>public ".a:type. \ " \<Esc>\"ypb2xea\<CR>{\<Esc>oget\<CR>{\<CR>return " . \ "\<Esc>\"ypa;\<CR>}\<CR>set\<CR>{\<CR>\<Tab>\<Esc>\"yPa = value;\<CR>}\<CR>}\<CR>\<Esc>" normal! 12k2wi endfunction
You can combine Visual Studio and Vim. You can work in Visual Studio and load the file in Vim for refactoring. I have made a menu entry in Visual Studio that loads the actual file I am writing in Vim (cf. Vim as an External Tool).
Example 3: The Replace Conditional with Polymorphism refactoring[]
Imagine a switch and you want to replace it with an abstract class and some concrete classes which inherit from this parent class.
You may think "Why should I replace this switch? It's too much work. Writing all these classes ..."
With Vim it's just a question of a few seconds.
To build the abstract class I type, say Fruit
(create abstract class) and get
public abstract class Fruit { public abstract void |(); } | is the cursor position
Now I fill in the methods.
public abstract class Fruit { public abstract void Taste(); public abstract void Color(); public abstract string GetSize(); }
Now I go on the first letter of Fruit
(create concrete class).
A dialog appears and asks me for the new name of the concrete class. I type in Apple
and get
public class Apple : Fruit { public override void Taste() { } public override void Color() { } public override string GetSize() { } }
I continue doing so with all the child classes of the abstract class.
In this way I get code templates that I can implement now.
Here are my mappings and the underlying funtion.
"Create abstract class imap <C-c><C-a><C-c> <Esc>bipublic abstract class <Esc>A<CR>{<CR>public abstract void X();<CR>}<Esc>:?X<CR>0fXs "Create concrete class map <C-c><C-c><C-c> :silent! call ImplementAbstractClass()<CR> function! ImplementAbstractClass() range exe "normal \<Esc>\"yyw" /{ normal "xy% normal %o exe "normal! \<Esc>o" let name = inputdialog("Name of new method:") exe "normal! ipublic class " .name." : \<Esc>\"yp\"xp" exe "normal! }O}\<Esc>==" normal %v% normal! gv '<,'>s/abstract/override/g normal! gv '<,'>s/;/\r{\r}\r/g normal! == normal %kdd%k endfunction
These are amazing! I never thought of doing this, but I have to say your tips are quite amazing! I have begun to use hints 1 and 2 religiously, especially when I have to dig around through code that others have written! Thank you!!
Here is a variation
imap <C-c><C-p> <Esc>:call CreateProperty()<CR>a function! CreateProperty() exe "normal bim_\<Esc>b\"yyybiprivate \<Esc>A;\<CR>\<Esc>\"ypw\"xyw\<Esc>2xbipublic \<Esc>$a\<CR>{\<Esc>oget\<CR>{\<CR>return \<Esc>\"xpa;\<CR>}\<CR>set\<CR>{\<CR>\<Tab>\<Esc>\"xPa = value;\<CR>}\<CR>}\<CR>\<Esc>" normal 12k2wi endfunction
This will create a property from a <type> <Field Name>. This alleviates the need for multiple mappings for each data type in the vimrc file
So if you want to create a property from Rectangle Box
just press <C-c><C-p>
and you get
private Rectangle m_Box; public Rectangle Box { get { return m_Box; } set { m_Box = value; } }
I am still trying to get rid of some extra spaces in property name but I hope this helps.