Building or downloading Vim[]
- Building Vim overview, with links for more information, on how to build Vim (download source and compile)
- Where to download Vim how to download Vim to run on your system without building
Vim FAQ[]
Vim help documentation[]
- Our tips for using Vim's help
- Up-to-date online mirror of Vim help
- Vim 7.4 help as printable PDF and PS
- Vim help as a fully cross-referenced PDF (pdf here and script here).
Vim references, tutorials, guides[]
- Learn Vim - Top Ranked Vim Tutorials Vim courses ranked by developers
- Vim Courses online courses to learn Vim, from a wide range of providers.
- Seven habits of effective text editing by Bram Moolenaar (2000)
- A simple Vim reference (good for beginners)
- Keyboard cheat sheet and tutorial excellent for learning the essential commands
- Vim reference card, by command (pdf)
- Vim reference card, by functionality (pdf)
- Vim reference card, by functionality (tex)
- Vim quick reference card (various formats and languages)
- Purchase a Vim reference coffee mug
- A slightly advanced Introduction to Vim in Linux Gazette, provides an easy walkthrough for basic and intermediate Vim use
- Screencast Vim tutorials by Derek Wyatt walking through some simple concepts as well as more advanced topics and plugin demonstrations
- Vim scripting from
- Vimcasts is a site with excellent screencasts about Vim
- Scripting the Vim Editor by Damian Conway
Vim books[]
- Information about books on Vim maintained by Vim's author, Bram Moolenaar, ICCF Holland
- Vim for Writers CC-licensed guide to Vim, (HTML, PDF), 2009
- Vim Recipes CC-licensed cookbook, (HTML, PDF), 2009
- A Byte of Vim by Swaroop C H CC-licensed ebook, (book, HTML, PDF), 2008
- The Vim book by Steve Oualline, New Riders, (PDF), 2001
- Errata for The Vim book maintained by Bram Moolenaar
- Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought by Drew Neil, The Pragmatic Bookshelf, (book, PDF), 2012
Vim sites[]
- David Rayner (zzapper) has the Best of Vim Tips list.
- Luc Hermitte's Vim macros site has many plugins, ftplugins (mainly for C and C++), and more.
- Robert Melton's home for the #VIM Freenode channel with Vim information.
- Vim Regular Expessions 101
Vim tips on other sites[]
- Workspace efficiency
- Search don't scroll
- Taming your Vim config
- My commented 800-line vimrc
- Settings in vimrc and scripts for PL/SQL coding
- Enable thesaurus option
- Vim navigation fundamentals
- 3 powerful Ms macro mark map
- Using Vim as your bash ide
- Using Vim as your C ide
- Ctrl-x-magics
- Tips for writing Lisp code