Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 1161 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2006 · complexity intermediate · author Salman Halim · version 6.0

The :windo, :bufdo, :argdo and :tabdo commands are great. However, they have one side-effect that I don't like: they change the current window/buffer/tab and make it the last one. Toward that end, I have the following commands defined in my environment:

" Just like windo, but restore the current window when done.
function! WinDo(command)
  let currwin=winnr()
  execute 'windo ' . a:command
  execute currwin . 'wincmd w'
com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Windo call WinDo(<q-args>)

" Just like Windo, but disable all autocommands for super fast processing.
com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Windofast noautocmd call WinDo(<q-args>)

" Just like bufdo, but restore the current buffer when done.
function! BufDo(command)
  let currBuff=bufnr("%")
  execute 'bufdo ' . a:command
  execute 'buffer ' . currBuff
com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Bufdo call BufDo(<q-args>)

Using them is no different from using the standard :windo or :bufdo, except that when you're done, you're right back where you were.


:Windofast set nu

Turns on line-numbers in all windows – quickly (because no autocommands trigger) – and leaves your cursor exactly where it was so that you may continue with what you were doing.

Here's another example, one that I have defined permanently:

function! SetAutoSaveAndRestore( enable )
  augroup SaveAndRestoreAll
    if a:enable
      au FocusLost * silent! Windo call UpdateIfPossible()
      au FocusGained * silent! checktime
  augroup END
" Automatically write all changed buffers every time we move out of the Vim window
call SetAutoSaveAndRestore( 1 )

" Writes out the current file if it isn't read-only, has changed and has a name.
" Useful from the autocommand that saves all files upon Vim's losing focus.
function! UpdateIfPossible()
  if expand('%') == ''
  elseif &ro || !&modified

Whenever the Vim window is left (to go to an IDE for concurrent development, for example), all modified and writable files are saved. Conversely, the call to 'checktime' automatically updates the contents of any files that may have been modified with the latest version on disk.

The above should be combined with 'autoread' and 'autowrite' for best results.

