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Tip 834 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2004 · complexity basic · author andyf · version 6.0

Word-wise cut, copy & paste over the current word. There's nothing special or magical about these bindings, just that I find them really useful for coding, and I thought I'd share.

Add the following lines to vimrc:

map <A-v> viw"+gPb
map <A-c> viw"+y
map <A-x> viw"+x

These bindings follow the Windows-style keys of control-V, control-C, and control-X; except using alt instead of control. Adjust to your preference.


Sometimes copy and paste is too painful. I am using Clickto app, it´s a freeware and with just one click we can send a text to e-mail, pdf, facebook or several other softwares. have a look
