created 2007 · complexity intermediate · author Max Cantor · version 6.0
There are a bunch of HTML wrapper tips and tricks out there, but I couldn't find any that suited my desire to be able to quickly wrap an arbitrary visual highlight in an arbitrary HTML tag. Here's the function, and a mapping to go with it:
" Wrap visual selection in an HTML tag. vmap <Leader>w <Esc>:call VisualHTMLTagWrap()<CR> function! VisualHTMLTagWrap() let tag = input("Tag to wrap block: ") if len(tag) > 0 normal `> if &selection == 'exclusive' exe "normal i</".tag.">" else exe "normal a</".tag.">" endif normal `< exe "normal i<".tag.">" normal `< endif endfunction
Put it in ~/.vim/scripts/wrapwithtag.vim
and enable in ~/.vimrc
au Filetype html,xml source ~/.vim/scripts/wrapwithtag.vim
When editing HTML file, visually highlight text and press {Leader} w, enter tag name (where {Leader} defaults to the '\' key, but you can override with a :let mapleader =
command :help mapleader).
Another option is to use the xml.vim plugin. Save it as ~/.vim/ftplugins/html.vim
. To wrap some text with tag, visually select the text, and press <LocalLeader>x (<LocalLeader> is backslash \ by default). To strip the surrounding tag, press <LocalLeader>d.
Why not use ftplugin directory instead of a Filetype autocmd?