Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 1384 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2006 · complexity basic · author Mosh · version n/a

Xterm can display text in 256 colors, but it is hard to determine what all those colors are. So below is a list of the approximate names for the 256 default colors in xterm.

You can put it in your vimrc or just use it as a reference when in doubt.

hi  x016_Grey0              ctermfg=16   guifg=#000000  "rgb=0,0,0
hi  x017_NavyBlue           ctermfg=17   guifg=#00005f  "rgb=0,0,95
hi  x018_DarkBlue           ctermfg=18   guifg=#000087  "rgb=0,0,135
hi  x019_Blue3              ctermfg=19   guifg=#0000af  "rgb=0,0,175
hi  x020_Blue3              ctermfg=20   guifg=#0000d7  "rgb=0,0,215
hi  x021_Blue1              ctermfg=21   guifg=#0000ff  "rgb=0,0,255
hi  x022_DarkGreen          ctermfg=22   guifg=#005f00  "rgb=0,95,0
hi  x023_DeepSkyBlue4       ctermfg=23   guifg=#005f5f  "rgb=0,95,95
hi  x024_DeepSkyBlue4       ctermfg=24   guifg=#005f87  "rgb=0,95,135
hi  x025_DeepSkyBlue4       ctermfg=25   guifg=#005faf  "rgb=0,95,175
hi  x026_DodgerBlue3        ctermfg=26   guifg=#005fd7  "rgb=0,95,215
hi  x027_DodgerBlue2        ctermfg=27   guifg=#005fff  "rgb=0,95,255
hi  x028_Green4             ctermfg=28   guifg=#008700  "rgb=0,135,0
hi  x029_SpringGreen4       ctermfg=29   guifg=#00875f  "rgb=0,135,95
hi  x030_Turquoise4         ctermfg=30   guifg=#008787  "rgb=0,135,135
hi  x031_DeepSkyBlue3       ctermfg=31   guifg=#0087af  "rgb=0,135,175
hi  x032_DeepSkyBlue3       ctermfg=32   guifg=#0087d7  "rgb=0,135,215
hi  x033_DodgerBlue1        ctermfg=33   guifg=#0087ff  "rgb=0,135,255
hi  x034_Green3             ctermfg=34   guifg=#00af00  "rgb=0,175,0
hi  x035_SpringGreen3       ctermfg=35   guifg=#00af5f  "rgb=0,175,95
hi  x036_DarkCyan           ctermfg=36   guifg=#00af87  "rgb=0,175,135
hi  x037_LightSeaGreen      ctermfg=37   guifg=#00afaf  "rgb=0,175,175
hi  x038_DeepSkyBlue2       ctermfg=38   guifg=#00afd7  "rgb=0,175,215
hi  x039_DeepSkyBlue1       ctermfg=39   guifg=#00afff  "rgb=0,175,255
hi  x040_Green3             ctermfg=40   guifg=#00d700  "rgb=0,215,0
hi  x041_SpringGreen3       ctermfg=41   guifg=#00d75f  "rgb=0,215,95
hi  x042_SpringGreen2       ctermfg=42   guifg=#00d787  "rgb=0,215,135
hi  x043_Cyan3              ctermfg=43   guifg=#00d7af  "rgb=0,215,175
hi  x044_DarkTurquoise      ctermfg=44   guifg=#00d7d7  "rgb=0,215,215
hi  x045_Turquoise2         ctermfg=45   guifg=#00d7ff  "rgb=0,215,255
hi  x046_Green1             ctermfg=46   guifg=#00ff00  "rgb=0,255,0
hi  x047_SpringGreen2       ctermfg=47   guifg=#00ff5f  "rgb=0,255,95
hi  x048_SpringGreen1       ctermfg=48   guifg=#00ff87  "rgb=0,255,135
hi  x049_MediumSpringGreen  ctermfg=49   guifg=#00ffaf  "rgb=0,255,175
hi  x050_Cyan2              ctermfg=50   guifg=#00ffd7  "rgb=0,255,215
hi  x051_Cyan1              ctermfg=51   guifg=#00ffff  "rgb=0,255,255
hi  x052_DarkRed            ctermfg=52   guifg=#5f0000  "rgb=95,0,0
hi  x053_DeepPink4          ctermfg=53   guifg=#5f005f  "rgb=95,0,95
hi  x054_Purple4            ctermfg=54   guifg=#5f0087  "rgb=95,0,135
hi  x055_Purple4            ctermfg=55   guifg=#5f00af  "rgb=95,0,175
hi  x056_Purple3            ctermfg=56   guifg=#5f00d7  "rgb=95,0,215
hi  x057_BlueViolet         ctermfg=57   guifg=#5f00ff  "rgb=95,0,255
hi  x058_Orange4            ctermfg=58   guifg=#5f5f00  "rgb=95,95,0
hi  x059_Grey37             ctermfg=59   guifg=#5f5f5f  "rgb=95,95,95
hi  x060_MediumPurple4      ctermfg=60   guifg=#5f5f87  "rgb=95,95,135
hi  x061_SlateBlue3         ctermfg=61   guifg=#5f5faf  "rgb=95,95,175
hi  x062_SlateBlue3         ctermfg=62   guifg=#5f5fd7  "rgb=95,95,215
hi  x063_RoyalBlue1         ctermfg=63   guifg=#5f5fff  "rgb=95,95,255
hi  x064_Chartreuse4        ctermfg=64   guifg=#5f8700  "rgb=95,135,0
hi  x065_DarkSeaGreen4      ctermfg=65   guifg=#5f875f  "rgb=95,135,95
hi  x066_PaleTurquoise4     ctermfg=66   guifg=#5f8787  "rgb=95,135,135
hi  x067_SteelBlue          ctermfg=67   guifg=#5f87af  "rgb=95,135,175
hi  x068_SteelBlue3         ctermfg=68   guifg=#5f87d7  "rgb=95,135,215
hi  x069_CornflowerBlue     ctermfg=69   guifg=#5f87ff  "rgb=95,135,255
hi  x070_Chartreuse3        ctermfg=70   guifg=#5faf00  "rgb=95,175,0
hi  x071_DarkSeaGreen4      ctermfg=71   guifg=#5faf5f  "rgb=95,175,95
hi  x072_CadetBlue          ctermfg=72   guifg=#5faf87  "rgb=95,175,135
hi  x073_CadetBlue          ctermfg=73   guifg=#5fafaf  "rgb=95,175,175
hi  x074_SkyBlue3           ctermfg=74   guifg=#5fafd7  "rgb=95,175,215
hi  x075_SteelBlue1         ctermfg=75   guifg=#5fafff  "rgb=95,175,255
hi  x076_Chartreuse3        ctermfg=76   guifg=#5fd700  "rgb=95,215,0
hi  x077_PaleGreen3         ctermfg=77   guifg=#5fd75f  "rgb=95,215,95
hi  x078_SeaGreen3          ctermfg=78   guifg=#5fd787  "rgb=95,215,135
hi  x079_Aquamarine3        ctermfg=79   guifg=#5fd7af  "rgb=95,215,175
hi  x080_MediumTurquoise    ctermfg=80   guifg=#5fd7d7  "rgb=95,215,215
hi  x081_SteelBlue1         ctermfg=81   guifg=#5fd7ff  "rgb=95,215,255
hi  x082_Chartreuse2        ctermfg=82   guifg=#5fff00  "rgb=95,255,0
hi  x083_SeaGreen2          ctermfg=83   guifg=#5fff5f  "rgb=95,255,95
hi  x084_SeaGreen1          ctermfg=84   guifg=#5fff87  "rgb=95,255,135
hi  x085_SeaGreen1          ctermfg=85   guifg=#5fffaf  "rgb=95,255,175
hi  x086_Aquamarine1        ctermfg=86   guifg=#5fffd7  "rgb=95,255,215
hi  x087_DarkSlateGray2     ctermfg=87   guifg=#5fffff  "rgb=95,255,255
hi  x088_DarkRed            ctermfg=88   guifg=#870000  "rgb=135,0,0
hi  x089_DeepPink4          ctermfg=89   guifg=#87005f  "rgb=135,0,95
hi  x090_DarkMagenta        ctermfg=90   guifg=#870087  "rgb=135,0,135
hi  x091_DarkMagenta        ctermfg=91   guifg=#8700af  "rgb=135,0,175
hi  x092_DarkViolet         ctermfg=92   guifg=#8700d7  "rgb=135,0,215
hi  x093_Purple             ctermfg=93   guifg=#8700ff  "rgb=135,0,255
hi  x094_Orange4            ctermfg=94   guifg=#875f00  "rgb=135,95,0
hi  x095_LightPink4         ctermfg=95   guifg=#875f5f  "rgb=135,95,95
hi  x096_Plum4              ctermfg=96   guifg=#875f87  "rgb=135,95,135
hi  x097_MediumPurple3      ctermfg=97   guifg=#875faf  "rgb=135,95,175
hi  x098_MediumPurple3      ctermfg=98   guifg=#875fd7  "rgb=135,95,215
hi  x099_SlateBlue1         ctermfg=99   guifg=#875fff  "rgb=135,95,255
hi  x100_Yellow4            ctermfg=100  guifg=#878700  "rgb=135,135,0
hi  x101_Wheat4             ctermfg=101  guifg=#87875f  "rgb=135,135,95
hi  x102_Grey53             ctermfg=102  guifg=#878787  "rgb=135,135,135
hi  x103_LightSlateGrey     ctermfg=103  guifg=#8787af  "rgb=135,135,175
hi  x104_MediumPurple       ctermfg=104  guifg=#8787d7  "rgb=135,135,215
hi  x105_LightSlateBlue     ctermfg=105  guifg=#8787ff  "rgb=135,135,255
hi  x106_Yellow4            ctermfg=106  guifg=#87af00  "rgb=135,175,0
hi  x107_DarkOliveGreen3    ctermfg=107  guifg=#87af5f  "rgb=135,175,95
hi  x108_DarkSeaGreen       ctermfg=108  guifg=#87af87  "rgb=135,175,135
hi  x109_LightSkyBlue3      ctermfg=109  guifg=#87afaf  "rgb=135,175,175
hi  x110_LightSkyBlue3      ctermfg=110  guifg=#87afd7  "rgb=135,175,215
hi  x111_SkyBlue2           ctermfg=111  guifg=#87afff  "rgb=135,175,255
hi  x112_Chartreuse2        ctermfg=112  guifg=#87d700  "rgb=135,215,0
hi  x113_DarkOliveGreen3    ctermfg=113  guifg=#87d75f  "rgb=135,215,95
hi  x114_PaleGreen3         ctermfg=114  guifg=#87d787  "rgb=135,215,135
hi  x115_DarkSeaGreen3      ctermfg=115  guifg=#87d7af  "rgb=135,215,175
hi  x116_DarkSlateGray3     ctermfg=116  guifg=#87d7d7  "rgb=135,215,215
hi  x117_SkyBlue1           ctermfg=117  guifg=#87d7ff  "rgb=135,215,255
hi  x118_Chartreuse1        ctermfg=118  guifg=#87ff00  "rgb=135,255,0
hi  x119_LightGreen         ctermfg=119  guifg=#87ff5f  "rgb=135,255,95
hi  x120_LightGreen         ctermfg=120  guifg=#87ff87  "rgb=135,255,135
hi  x121_PaleGreen1         ctermfg=121  guifg=#87ffaf  "rgb=135,255,175
hi  x122_Aquamarine1        ctermfg=122  guifg=#87ffd7  "rgb=135,255,215
hi  x123_DarkSlateGray1     ctermfg=123  guifg=#87ffff  "rgb=135,255,255
hi  x124_Red3               ctermfg=124  guifg=#af0000  "rgb=175,0,0
hi  x125_DeepPink4          ctermfg=125  guifg=#af005f  "rgb=175,0,95
hi  x126_MediumVioletRed    ctermfg=126  guifg=#af0087  "rgb=175,0,135
hi  x127_Magenta3           ctermfg=127  guifg=#af00af  "rgb=175,0,175
hi  x128_DarkViolet         ctermfg=128  guifg=#af00d7  "rgb=175,0,215
hi  x129_Purple             ctermfg=129  guifg=#af00ff  "rgb=175,0,255
hi  x130_DarkOrange3        ctermfg=130  guifg=#af5f00  "rgb=175,95,0
hi  x131_IndianRed          ctermfg=131  guifg=#af5f5f  "rgb=175,95,95
hi  x132_HotPink3           ctermfg=132  guifg=#af5f87  "rgb=175,95,135
hi  x133_MediumOrchid3      ctermfg=133  guifg=#af5faf  "rgb=175,95,175
hi  x134_MediumOrchid       ctermfg=134  guifg=#af5fd7  "rgb=175,95,215
hi  x135_MediumPurple2      ctermfg=135  guifg=#af5fff  "rgb=175,95,255
hi  x136_DarkGoldenrod      ctermfg=136  guifg=#af8700  "rgb=175,135,0
hi  x137_LightSalmon3       ctermfg=137  guifg=#af875f  "rgb=175,135,95
hi  x138_RosyBrown          ctermfg=138  guifg=#af8787  "rgb=175,135,135
hi  x139_Grey63             ctermfg=139  guifg=#af87af  "rgb=175,135,175
hi  x140_MediumPurple2      ctermfg=140  guifg=#af87d7  "rgb=175,135,215
hi  x141_MediumPurple1      ctermfg=141  guifg=#af87ff  "rgb=175,135,255
hi  x142_Gold3              ctermfg=142  guifg=#afaf00  "rgb=175,175,0
hi  x143_DarkKhaki          ctermfg=143  guifg=#afaf5f  "rgb=175,175,95
hi  x144_NavajoWhite3       ctermfg=144  guifg=#afaf87  "rgb=175,175,135
hi  x145_Grey69             ctermfg=145  guifg=#afafaf  "rgb=175,175,175
hi  x146_LightSteelBlue3    ctermfg=146  guifg=#afafd7  "rgb=175,175,215
hi  x147_LightSteelBlue     ctermfg=147  guifg=#afafff  "rgb=175,175,255
hi  x148_Yellow3            ctermfg=148  guifg=#afd700  "rgb=175,215,0
hi  x149_DarkOliveGreen3    ctermfg=149  guifg=#afd75f  "rgb=175,215,95
hi  x150_DarkSeaGreen3      ctermfg=150  guifg=#afd787  "rgb=175,215,135
hi  x151_DarkSeaGreen2      ctermfg=151  guifg=#afd7af  "rgb=175,215,175
hi  x152_LightCyan3         ctermfg=152  guifg=#afd7d7  "rgb=175,215,215
hi  x153_LightSkyBlue1      ctermfg=153  guifg=#afd7ff  "rgb=175,215,255
hi  x154_GreenYellow        ctermfg=154  guifg=#afff00  "rgb=175,255,0
hi  x155_DarkOliveGreen2    ctermfg=155  guifg=#afff5f  "rgb=175,255,95
hi  x156_PaleGreen1         ctermfg=156  guifg=#afff87  "rgb=175,255,135
hi  x157_DarkSeaGreen2      ctermfg=157  guifg=#afffaf  "rgb=175,255,175
hi  x158_DarkSeaGreen1      ctermfg=158  guifg=#afffd7  "rgb=175,255,215
hi  x159_PaleTurquoise1     ctermfg=159  guifg=#afffff  "rgb=175,255,255
hi  x160_Red3               ctermfg=160  guifg=#d70000  "rgb=215,0,0
hi  x161_DeepPink3          ctermfg=161  guifg=#d7005f  "rgb=215,0,95
hi  x162_DeepPink3          ctermfg=162  guifg=#d70087  "rgb=215,0,135
hi  x163_Magenta3           ctermfg=163  guifg=#d700af  "rgb=215,0,175
hi  x164_Magenta3           ctermfg=164  guifg=#d700d7  "rgb=215,0,215
hi  x165_Magenta2           ctermfg=165  guifg=#d700ff  "rgb=215,0,255
hi  x166_DarkOrange3        ctermfg=166  guifg=#d75f00  "rgb=215,95,0
hi  x167_IndianRed          ctermfg=167  guifg=#d75f5f  "rgb=215,95,95
hi  x168_HotPink3           ctermfg=168  guifg=#d75f87  "rgb=215,95,135
hi  x169_HotPink2           ctermfg=169  guifg=#d75faf  "rgb=215,95,175
hi  x170_Orchid             ctermfg=170  guifg=#d75fd7  "rgb=215,95,215
hi  x171_MediumOrchid1      ctermfg=171  guifg=#d75fff  "rgb=215,95,255
hi  x172_Orange3            ctermfg=172  guifg=#d78700  "rgb=215,135,0
hi  x173_LightSalmon3       ctermfg=173  guifg=#d7875f  "rgb=215,135,95
hi  x174_LightPink3         ctermfg=174  guifg=#d78787  "rgb=215,135,135
hi  x175_Pink3              ctermfg=175  guifg=#d787af  "rgb=215,135,175
hi  x176_Plum3              ctermfg=176  guifg=#d787d7  "rgb=215,135,215
hi  x177_Violet             ctermfg=177  guifg=#d787ff  "rgb=215,135,255
hi  x178_Gold3              ctermfg=178  guifg=#d7af00  "rgb=215,175,0
hi  x179_LightGoldenrod3    ctermfg=179  guifg=#d7af5f  "rgb=215,175,95
hi  x180_Tan                ctermfg=180  guifg=#d7af87  "rgb=215,175,135
hi  x181_MistyRose3         ctermfg=181  guifg=#d7afaf  "rgb=215,175,175
hi  x182_Thistle3           ctermfg=182  guifg=#d7afd7  "rgb=215,175,215
hi  x183_Plum2              ctermfg=183  guifg=#d7afff  "rgb=215,175,255
hi  x184_Yellow3            ctermfg=184  guifg=#d7d700  "rgb=215,215,0
hi  x185_Khaki3             ctermfg=185  guifg=#d7d75f  "rgb=215,215,95
hi  x186_LightGoldenrod2    ctermfg=186  guifg=#d7d787  "rgb=215,215,135
hi  x187_LightYellow3       ctermfg=187  guifg=#d7d7af  "rgb=215,215,175
hi  x188_Grey84             ctermfg=188  guifg=#d7d7d7  "rgb=215,215,215
hi  x189_LightSteelBlue1    ctermfg=189  guifg=#d7d7ff  "rgb=215,215,255
hi  x190_Yellow2            ctermfg=190  guifg=#d7ff00  "rgb=215,255,0
hi  x191_DarkOliveGreen1    ctermfg=191  guifg=#d7ff5f  "rgb=215,255,95
hi  x192_DarkOliveGreen1    ctermfg=192  guifg=#d7ff87  "rgb=215,255,135
hi  x193_DarkSeaGreen1      ctermfg=193  guifg=#d7ffaf  "rgb=215,255,175
hi  x194_Honeydew2          ctermfg=194  guifg=#d7ffd7  "rgb=215,255,215
hi  x195_LightCyan1         ctermfg=195  guifg=#d7ffff  "rgb=215,255,255
hi  x196_Red1               ctermfg=196  guifg=#ff0000  "rgb=255,0,0
hi  x197_DeepPink2          ctermfg=197  guifg=#ff005f  "rgb=255,0,95
hi  x198_DeepPink1          ctermfg=198  guifg=#ff0087  "rgb=255,0,135
hi  x199_DeepPink1          ctermfg=199  guifg=#ff00af  "rgb=255,0,175
hi  x200_Magenta2           ctermfg=200  guifg=#ff00d7  "rgb=255,0,215
hi  x201_Magenta1           ctermfg=201  guifg=#ff00ff  "rgb=255,0,255
hi  x202_OrangeRed1         ctermfg=202  guifg=#ff5f00  "rgb=255,95,0
hi  x203_IndianRed1         ctermfg=203  guifg=#ff5f5f  "rgb=255,95,95
hi  x204_IndianRed1         ctermfg=204  guifg=#ff5f87  "rgb=255,95,135
hi  x205_HotPink            ctermfg=205  guifg=#ff5faf  "rgb=255,95,175
hi  x206_HotPink            ctermfg=206  guifg=#ff5fd7  "rgb=255,95,215
hi  x207_MediumOrchid1      ctermfg=207  guifg=#ff5fff  "rgb=255,95,255
hi  x208_DarkOrange         ctermfg=208  guifg=#ff8700  "rgb=255,135,0
hi  x209_Salmon1            ctermfg=209  guifg=#ff875f  "rgb=255,135,95
hi  x210_LightCoral         ctermfg=210  guifg=#ff8787  "rgb=255,135,135
hi  x211_PaleVioletRed1     ctermfg=211  guifg=#ff87af  "rgb=255,135,175
hi  x212_Orchid2            ctermfg=212  guifg=#ff87d7  "rgb=255,135,215
hi  x213_Orchid1            ctermfg=213  guifg=#ff87ff  "rgb=255,135,255
hi  x214_Orange1            ctermfg=214  guifg=#ffaf00  "rgb=255,175,0
hi  x215_SandyBrown         ctermfg=215  guifg=#ffaf5f  "rgb=255,175,95
hi  x216_LightSalmon1       ctermfg=216  guifg=#ffaf87  "rgb=255,175,135
hi  x217_LightPink1         ctermfg=217  guifg=#ffafaf  "rgb=255,175,175
hi  x218_Pink1              ctermfg=218  guifg=#ffafd7  "rgb=255,175,215
hi  x219_Plum1              ctermfg=219  guifg=#ffafff  "rgb=255,175,255
hi  x220_Gold1              ctermfg=220  guifg=#ffd700  "rgb=255,215,0
hi  x221_LightGoldenrod2    ctermfg=221  guifg=#ffd75f  "rgb=255,215,95
hi  x222_LightGoldenrod2    ctermfg=222  guifg=#ffd787  "rgb=255,215,135
hi  x223_NavajoWhite1       ctermfg=223  guifg=#ffd7af  "rgb=255,215,175
hi  x224_MistyRose1         ctermfg=224  guifg=#ffd7d7  "rgb=255,215,215
hi  x225_Thistle1           ctermfg=225  guifg=#ffd7ff  "rgb=255,215,255
hi  x226_Yellow1            ctermfg=226  guifg=#ffff00  "rgb=255,255,0
hi  x227_LightGoldenrod1    ctermfg=227  guifg=#ffff5f  "rgb=255,255,95
hi  x228_Khaki1             ctermfg=228  guifg=#ffff87  "rgb=255,255,135
hi  x229_Wheat1             ctermfg=229  guifg=#ffffaf  "rgb=255,255,175
hi  x230_Cornsilk1          ctermfg=230  guifg=#ffffd7  "rgb=255,255,215
hi  x231_Grey100            ctermfg=231  guifg=#ffffff  "rgb=255,255,255
hi  x232_Grey3              ctermfg=232  guifg=#080808  "rgb=8,8,8
hi  x233_Grey7              ctermfg=233  guifg=#121212  "rgb=18,18,18
hi  x234_Grey11             ctermfg=234  guifg=#1c1c1c  "rgb=28,28,28
hi  x235_Grey15             ctermfg=235  guifg=#262626  "rgb=38,38,38
hi  x236_Grey19             ctermfg=236  guifg=#303030  "rgb=48,48,48
hi  x237_Grey23             ctermfg=237  guifg=#3a3a3a  "rgb=58,58,58
hi  x238_Grey27             ctermfg=238  guifg=#444444  "rgb=68,68,68
hi  x239_Grey30             ctermfg=239  guifg=#4e4e4e  "rgb=78,78,78
hi  x240_Grey35             ctermfg=240  guifg=#585858  "rgb=88,88,88
hi  x241_Grey39             ctermfg=241  guifg=#626262  "rgb=98,98,98
hi  x242_Grey42             ctermfg=242  guifg=#6c6c6c  "rgb=108,108,108
hi  x243_Grey46             ctermfg=243  guifg=#767676  "rgb=118,118,118
hi  x244_Grey50             ctermfg=244  guifg=#808080  "rgb=128,128,128
hi  x245_Grey54             ctermfg=245  guifg=#8a8a8a  "rgb=138,138,138
hi  x246_Grey58             ctermfg=246  guifg=#949494  "rgb=148,148,148
hi  x247_Grey62             ctermfg=247  guifg=#9e9e9e  "rgb=158,158,158
hi  x248_Grey66             ctermfg=248  guifg=#a8a8a8  "rgb=168,168,168
hi  x249_Grey70             ctermfg=249  guifg=#b2b2b2  "rgb=178,178,178
hi  x250_Grey74             ctermfg=250  guifg=#bcbcbc  "rgb=188,188,188
hi  x251_Grey78             ctermfg=251  guifg=#c6c6c6  "rgb=198,198,198
hi  x252_Grey82             ctermfg=252  guifg=#d0d0d0  "rgb=208,208,208
hi  x253_Grey85             ctermfg=253  guifg=#dadada  "rgb=218,218,218
hi  x254_Grey89             ctermfg=254  guifg=#e4e4e4  "rgb=228,228,228
hi  x255_Grey93             ctermfg=255  guifg=#eeeeee  "rgb=238,238,238


See also[]


Here's a shorter script that displays a sample of all 256 cterm colors, by appending to the current buffer:

let num = 255
while num >= 0
    exec 'hi col_'.num.' ctermbg='.num.' ctermfg=white'
    exec 'syn match col_'.num.' "ctermbg='.num.':...." containedIn=ALL'
    call append(0, 'ctermbg='.num.':....')
    let num = num - 1

Save this as e.g. color_demo.vim, then do :so color_demo.vim from any buffer.

Update: 20 January 2010

An embellished version of this script is available at: xterm-color-table.vim



Update: 27 April 2011

Here's a Python script that will output a grid of color samples in HTML by parsing the generated color list above. Copy the color list exactly as-is to a text file. Save these code as separate file called Then do: python >samples.html and view the result in a browser.

import re
print '<html>'
with open('NAME_OF_FILE.txt') as fin:
	for line in fin.xreadlines():
		m ='_(\w+).+(#\w+)', line)
		if not m: continue
		print '<div style="float: left; width:100px; height:100px; background-color:{1}; font-size:8pt; color: #111; font-family:ubuntu;">{0}</div>'.format(*m.groups())
print '</html>'

Update: 6 October 2012

Formatvim plugin contains a tool which is able to output a color table in format

- '#000000'
- '#b21818'
a list in YAML format where first item contains color that is used when you set ctermbg=0, second for ctermbg=1 and so on. Requires imagemagick, its perl bindings and, optionally, xdotool (and mercurial to clone the repository). Usage:
hg clone
./formatvim/tools/ colors.yaml 256

where “colors.yaml” is a file where colors will be saved to and 256 is a number of colors your terminal supports. Documentation is here.
